Science, Spirit, And Modern Life

SAT., AUG. 12, 1995, 5:58 AM

I commend you for your resolve in getting an early start on Our next Ruminations. You did some “basic research” in an old-fashioned way, and found what should be plenty of material for the size Letter we now see as appropriate. I think this will be a good balance with the recent topics, and what I tell you this morning should “fill in some of the holes.”

Science, basically, is a way of knowing that translates into an approach to learning. Its initial focus was on the physical world, developing ways of measuring and quantifying so that you humans could have “objective facts”. You each have a “left brain” that can think rationally, and those who have such in abundance were those who developed science and who follow, and develop, scientific careers in this life called “modern”. Since I am the ultimate Creator I must take the credit, and the blame, for this type of human enterprise.

Unfortunately, humility (or meekness, as defined by Fox) has not been evident enough in the scientific community. As this way of thinking developed it was seen as a threat by those committed to the Church (some of whom were also committed to Me). Science was opposed, and so scientists took up the competition. I, the Creator and Sustainer God, was not to be considered a factor in assessment of the physical world, and thus I became irrelevant, and, finally, non-existent.

This wasn’t too bad when the focus was chemistry, physics, geology and the like, but when humans became the subjects of study I saw a danger… even an evil… developing. Science spawned technology, and most humans are pragmatic enough to appreciate the improvements technological developments were making in “modern life”. By present standards these Teachings are a low-tech enterprise. Yet by ancient standards this lined paper, this ball-point pen, with replaceable cartridge, and this fluorescent lamp are great improvements, making this a much easier task than in Biblical times. In this computer age your electric typewriter is a relic, but it, and photocopy machines make these Teachings available to a larger readership. But I digress…

Some of those who become scientists are also spiritual people who must achieve some balance between this spiritual nature and the restrictions of scientific thinking. I am generally amused by attempts to quantify and measure the spiritual dimension of “subjects”, particularly when using machine-scored instruments. (I like your “bubble diagrams” much better… a picturization but not a quantification.) I approve of some of what science and technology have achieved, and so I do want some spiritual folk involved in such continuance… and functioning in such conflict can be a means to spiritual growth, encouragement of which is My main, if not only, goal as Holy Spirit.

Ecology is the major science that questions the goal of problem-solving as the way of science. Because the solution to a problem may create more problems, even chaos, there must be some consideration of interactions and interrelationships. And, as you know, in “pure” scientific thinking I am not a factor. Either I do not exist, or I have somehow promised not to intercede in any way into what I have created, or I really have no power to make a difference in what I have created. And still many people pray to Me to do what science assumes I won’t or can’t.

SAT., AUG. 12, 1995, 5:58 AM

I commend you for your resolve in getting an early start on Our next Ruminations. You did some “basic research” in an old-fashioned way, and found what should be plenty of material for the size Letter we now see as appropriate. I think this will be a good balance with the recent topics, and what I tell you this morning should “fill in some of the holes.”

Science, basically, is a way of knowing that translates into an approach to learning. Its initial focus was on the physical world, developing . . .

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