Scientific Study Of My World

MON., JULY 5, 1982, 5:32 AM

Scientific study is certainly an important part of the world you live in, but you shall find no passages within the Holy Scriptures that give you guidance about this aspect of life. That is one reason, o son, for My instruction of you and some others in this way. You should know what I think about important matters to the Western world in the 20th century.

Science is not an evil force. Yet it basically does deny My existence and/or assume that I play no active role in the physical world or in the lives of humans. And that, of course, is a faulty assumption. I don’t say “wrong”, because, as I have told you, My basic way of operating is to let the earth and humans within it function as they will… according to My plan. But I do say “faulty” because I do interject My force from time to time… and because some of the reality of the earth plane is spiritual and not really subject to measurement.

Now science can be adapted and hence can be helpful in understanding My world. You read yesterday of six miraculous cures at the grotto of Lourdes, scientifically verified. Science was applied to the study of each case, and the conclusions of independent experts were that these cures were not medically likely… even possible. This is helpful adaptation. If the methods of science were applied to the effects of the grotto on the whole procession of people who enter it for cure the result would, scientifically, brand it as a hoax. That would obscure the reality of the true cures, because “they could have occurred by chance.” Know that most of what I do could have occurred by chance… if you believe in chance. And, given the realities of this earth, if you don’t believe in Me you have to believe in chance. The best belief, however, is both in Me and in chance.

For scientific study to be applicable and to produce functional knowledge situations studied must be repeatable and conditions must be assumed to be basically the same. That just seldom is the case when human beings are involved. When a scientific investigation has a positive result it can usually be assumed to represent reality. A negative result does not mean that the phenomenon studied is not “real”… only that it couldn’t be measured by the means employed.

MON., JULY 5, 1982, 5:32 AM

Scientific study is certainly an important part of the world you live in, but you shall find no passages within the Holy Scriptures that give you guidance about this aspect of life. That is one reason, o son, for My instruction of you and some others in this way. You should know what I think about important matters to the Western world in the 20th century.

Science is not an evil force. Yet it basically does deny My existence and/or assume that I play no active role in the physical . . .

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