Scriptural Agreement

AUG. 2, 1981, 5:43 AM

You started an important sub-task yesterday, o son, and I recommend that you spend some time and effort almost every day before the Fall term beings looking at Scripture for agreement and disagreement. Since I have made this point rather repeatedly with you, you need to develop some substance for it. The point, of course, is that these teachings agree with Scripture in about the same way that Scripture agrees with Scripture. If someone asks, “Give me some examples of Scripture not agreeing with Scripture”, what do you say?

I shall not give you a direct answer for that, but I shall offer you some important background understanding. (You are not listening well. This is important to you in several ways.) I am the Word. I am alive and active in the 20th century… in middle class U.S.A., among many other sites. I speak to individuals, to groups, and to congregations in ways that I always have spoken… and, sometimes, in ways appropriate to the time and event. I must retain the balance… the appropriate rhythm… between speaking in ancient, traditional, expected ways and in offering Words for the unique, contemporary situation.

As the Holy Spirit I have both responsibilities. I must speak in ways that eternally validate these Scriptures of Mine, for this is My tangible Word for humans who seek relationship with Me. The Scriptures have an ever-new quality to them because I speak to people, including many preachers, in ways that affirm these “original” Words without doubt.

Yet… 20th century middle class America is a far different setting from the Middle East of 2,000 to 4,000 years ago. Some Words just must be different to be currently believable. One obvious area involves women. I affirm now Scripture which says that women and men are absolutely equal before Me. This counters certain Scriptures that give a more inferior role to women. Explore this.

This leads to the Creation story. There are two, and they are different from one another. Each embodies truth… that the other one could not reflect. They don’t agree, but they offer a wider view of truth than a consistent story could. Explore this.

Killing is another important theme. One of My Commandments says Thou shalt not kill. Still the Scriptures contain many accounts of My Servants killing other humans, at My direction. Explore this.

Are the parables that I told and used in My teaching as Jesus meant to make My message clearer to all or to confuse the minds of some? Do I want all to hear My voice, or do I harden the hearts of some so that they cannot hear? Explore these ideas.

Is marriage for time and eternity or is it merely an earthly arrangement? Can there be divorce and remarriage with blessing from Me? Explore this with some Mormon and with Mabel.

AUG. 2, 1981, 5:43 AM

You started an important sub-task yesterday, o son, and I recommend that you spend some time and effort almost every day before the Fall term beings looking at Scripture for agreement and disagreement. Since I have made this point rather repeatedly with you, you need to develop some substance for it. The point, of course, is that these teachings agree with Scripture in about the same way that Scripture agrees with Scripture. If someone asks, “Give me some examples of Scripture not agreeing with Scripture”, what do you say?

I shall . . .

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