Scriptural Relevance?

THURS., JULY 5, 2001, 9:09 AM

You just now are coming forth from the discussion of some portions of Ezekiel, the “lesson” for your morning study group. You and your “group” will finish up this old Book next week… and then go on to some portion of the New Testament. It is hard to determine how relevant these passages of admonitions are, uttered some 4,000 or so years ago… another time, another culture.

Yet you do assume, on faith, that the words and thoughts attributed to Me, by ways of this prophet, have some mystical relevance to life today, and, specifically, to your life.

Ezekiel was a Jew, and My words to and “through” him were for the Jews of that time. David was their king, and your translation referred to him, parenthetically as “the Messiah.” But you know, as a Christian, that I, as Jesus, was the Messiah, not David… and I came into the earth considerably later than “the time of David.” (There is some value in trying to “think” chronologically, but, ultimately, what I say to you… and what I have “said” in Holy Scripture…. is mystical and not bound or determined by time.)

You often consider that I was… and Am… a “better God,” as I came as Jesus… than I was in relation to those Old Testament guys. I won’t flatly deny this, but I still maintain that I am Mystical, which is not limited by rational concepts. I Can be as I was for these Jews… and as I Am for Jews today… but I Am, in another Form, as the Lord Christ. Both/And rather than Either/Or. You then wonder how I Am with Moslems, Buddhists, Hindus, and… Again, don’t deal with all of this rationally. Just be true to what I have taught you, in various ways, and in how YOU experience Me.

Remember that I have called you to “be” quite an “odd” Christians, hearing Me directly as Holy Spirit, with Me also identifying Myself as Jesus the Christ and as the Almighty Father God. Can this all be “true”? I say, just accept that it is.

It is a relevant “wonder” to consider how I Am functioning now, in an earth scene quite different from the time of Ezekiel. Do I now favor you Christians as these Scriptures say I favored the Jews? Are the Jews excluded because their continued sin is non-acceptance of Me, Jesus, as their promised Messiah? Or… will I finally come again, to them, in some “other Form,” to justify what I told Ezekiel.

My repeated affirmation to you is that I LOVE diversity, and am thus quite satisfied that you Christians… and several other “faith groups” claim that I favor you/them more than others… and actually am bothered by… even hate… other ways of coming to Me.

So… continue to enjoy the “story” of this O.T. prophet and ponder how it relates to you, in this different time and culture, with this “special gift.”

If I truly am speaking to you, as a “called mystic” (when your Christian denomination looks askance at such a “claim”) why shouldn’t I speak to an even more diverse “group,” with somewhat different “messages”? Well, I love diversity, but I also recognize that many more “messengers” would be more chaotic than helpful.

THURS., JULY 5, 2001, 9:09 AM

You just now are coming forth from the discussion of some portions of Ezekiel, the “lesson” for your morning study group. You and your “group” will finish up this old Book next week… and then go on to some portion of the New Testament. It is hard to determine how relevant these passages of admonitions are, uttered some 4,000 or so years ago… another time, another culture.

Yet you do assume, on faith, that the words and thoughts attributed to Me, by ways of this prophet, have some mystical . . .

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