
NOV. 9, 1980, 6:46 AM

Beside you are two versions of My Scriptures, and “behind you” is an evening of discussion-study involving the Gospel of Matthew. You had certain thoughts and certain things to say about this experience, so, naturally, hear some comments from Me on a warm, foggy morn.

I say again that these Scriptures, contained in the Holy Bible, are the most special of writings. You can be a servant of Mine without knowing about them, and you can be a servant of Mine without reading them because of some poor introduction to them, or bad experience therewith. But if you have read and studied them profitably and heard them preached, as is the case with you, then you MUST continue to read them. No matter what you think as you read and study, you must continue to do this, with Me as your guide.

In relation to the matter of criticism and cultural and background knowledge of the Scriptures you were both right and not right. You take the position that the Scriptures can speak to you… to anyone… directly, at this time and in this culture, whether you know the background or not. You are right, and I urge you to continue this perspective on Scripture. It is the best one for you, and is the one to bring the most value for you. Make it part of your Spiritual Story, and make it as a testimony to others. At the same time those who read and analyze the Scriptures with background and critical knowledge also are right. They should not do it your way and should not cease their scholarship. They have another way, and they are as right as you are.

The critical matter is the condition of spirit, both in the reading and in the sharing. However a person reads the Scriptures it should be with an open, expectant heart and spirit, calling upon Me for help in understanding. The wrong way is to study with self-righteousness and with contempt for the way of another. Appreciate the other ways. Love those who proceed differently from you, and gain in ways you do not. Hear them. Yet, with a sharing spirit, tell how it is with you, for those with more knowledge must also avoid pride and a sense of being right. They must love the one who seems to make what they do unimportant. If the concern is for the other rather than for self, the exact form of rightness is unimportant.

NOV. 9, 1980, 6:46 AM

Beside you are two versions of My Scriptures, and “behind you” is an evening of discussion-study involving the Gospel of Matthew. You had certain thoughts and certain things to say about this experience, so, naturally, hear some comments from Me on a warm, foggy morn.

I say again that these Scriptures, contained in the Holy Bible, are the most special of writings. You can be a servant of Mine without knowing about them, and you can be a servant of Mine without reading them because of some poor introduction to . . .

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