
DEC. 20, 1980, 7:26 AM

You had some rather unexpected time yesterday, o son, and you took it for a long session with Scripture. I am pleased with that, and you had good feelings, too. But let Me comment on the total experience, so that you have some guidance for future encounters with My Word.

You were reading and hearing with two aspects of yourself… your spiritual mind and your analytical, critical mind. Therefore your reactions were different to different aspects of Scripture. Remember that Scripture is for every person, at every time, in every culture. There are a few portions that can have that universality, but, otherwise, in order to accomplish this applicability to all, some must speak to you and some to others. And if a portion of Scripture is speaking clearly to Christians whose “part of the body” is different from yours, it will not sound instructive nor edifying to you.

Consider a nutritive analogy. You need to take in a variety of foods in order to provide a variety of nutrients to keep your body well and functioning. Yet each part of the body does not use each nutrient equally. Calcium is more needed by bones and teeth than by skin and internal organs. Iron is used more extensively in blood-building than in repair of tissue. Yet protein and carbohydrates are much more universally needed and used.

I taught you yesterday again about the diversity of the Body of Mine that is the Church. Individuals differing from one another form any single church or part of the Body. And differing parts come together, in a way that is partly understandable and partly mystical, to form this Body that only I can alternately grieve over and admire in its totality.

My Scriptures are the main nutritive source for the individual “cells” and the “organs and tissues” of this Body. The nutritive analogy suggests that though some nutrients are universally needed and appreciated, others will be needed more by some parts… and hence not be essential for differing parts.

This is one important reason why some Scriptures just make your heart and spirit vibrate and sing, while others cause you to ponder grimly and pass on with shaking head. This should be so for every sincere and honest servant who feeds on these Scriptures. One portion will be like unto a snail, that most of you would reject, vigorously or genteelly, while a few would garnish with garlic and butter and enjoy as a delicacy. Another portion will be like a bite of rare beef steak… relished by some, not preferred by others, and firmly rejected by others.

DEC. 20, 1980, 7:26 AM

You had some rather unexpected time yesterday, o son, and you took it for a long session with Scripture. I am pleased with that, and you had good feelings, too. But let Me comment on the total experience, so that you have some guidance for future encounters with My Word.

You were reading and hearing with two aspects of yourself… your spiritual mind and your analytical, critical mind. Therefore your reactions were different to different aspects of Scripture. Remember that Scripture is for every person, at every time, in every culture. There . . .

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