
SAT., SEPT. 17, 1983, 6:57 AM

Holy Scripture is the term I use with you most often to identify the writings that should be your basic guide to life, o son. Scripture can be used as both a singular and a plural… a scripture can refer to a single verse or thought, while Scripture can identify any combination up to the total Bible. This is an important symbol… this being “both/and”… for Scripture is both holy and sacred and equally relevant AND writings that represent a range of relevance to modern life.

Another paradox is that on the one hand Scripture is one unified whole (particularly as interpreted with My help), telling a unified story of My relationship, as Almighty God and God the Father, with humankind and the earth, and on the other is a set of writings that present different and even contradictory pictures of “Me and thee”.

Again, this symbolizes My relationship with you, a Christian, a born-again Christian. For you, the Christian faith is sufficient, and activity in a Christian congregation is a “must”. It is the “only way”. Yet, at the same time, I allow you to see and realize, with your spirit as well as your mind, I come to humans in myriad other ways and that all who do not follow one Christian interpretation are not lost.

You feel fairly “conversant” with Scripture, but I wish you studied it more and truly knew the whole much better. (Sometime today, as a test read Haggai and Malachi with an inquiring and faith-based mind. Be both critical and faithful.) You cannot be a true servant of Mine, in relation to non-believers or to arch-believers, if you aren’t more “able” in scriptural matters.

As I have told you before, in the sense that scripture is a guide to fuller living (in obvious to very obscure ways) these Teachings are scriptural in nature. I directed those who wrote what became, officially, Holy Scripture, and I also directed much other writing that was not accepted to be the Holy Bible. I have continued to direct spiritual writings, in many cultures and down through the ages. And here I am with you, giving you words and thoughts of great relevance to your life.

I directed those who decided on the exact content of the Holy Bible, but I also directed those whose writings were rejected, even declared anathema. The hard and fast rule is… in matters relating to the spirit I am always actively involved, even though the nature of My involvement is wide ranging. Even when the spirit force seems evil and working against My will and ways, I am still there… and here, directing toward growth of spirit. There are evil spirits affecting the earth, but this is a part of My grand design. Some have had and will have terrible encounters with evil spirit forces. Know, however, that none of these threaten My power and influence. They just help make the earth the true testing realm that I mean for it to be.

Since I have been willing to call these Teachings scripture I must then urge you to take the time, this weekend, to organize these originals, taking them out of the helter-skelter mess they are in now. You must move ahead with your next writing for Me, also.

Scripture is the basis for vital knowledge about Me. Scripture is reassuring. Scripture also is disturbing and provocative. Scripture leads. Scripture confuses. Scripture inspires… Scripture is boring. In all these ways and guises Scripture is the tangible base for leading the best life.

God is spirit. I am that Spirit. Jesus, once a man upon the earth, is now spirit. I am that Spirit. I am All, and yet I also am just a part. Both true. If We were just spirit, religious life would be much more difficult. So We are here amongst you in these tangible Scriptures, translated into your understandable language. Be appreciative of Scripture, accepting its limitations without letting this critical thinking detract from the holiness and sacredness that the Scriptures “are”

8:03 AM