
THURS., OCT. 5, 2000, 8:46 AM

Here beginneth yet another Teaching, from Me, Holy Spirit to you, Bob Russell. You just have finished the time with your Christian breakfast “brethren,” the reading and discussion of some “minor” bits of Holy Scripture. Yes, this was and is Holy Scripture because it is an accepted portion of the New Testament, but it is rarely quoted, is quite brief, and seems short on “power,” that Scripture is supposed to have.

I say this to you as Holy Spirit, One ultimately responsible for these portions of Scripture and One Who is still speaking, these many years later. Some of the mystical nature of Scripture is in its relevance in a different time, culture, and language. I spoke through John and now I speak through you. So these Teachings will never be Holy Scripture, officially, but they certainly are of more spiritual value to you than these passages from John and Jude. And you can presume that those to whom these letters were written were more helped by them than you have been.

Every human culture and era have need of some form of scripture. Yet your culture has daily newspapers that are “out of date” on the next day… and newcasts through the day and evening… and “sound bites” when these seem necessary. The immediate seems to be more important than the past. What is written now seems more valuable than what was written earlier.

Yet you can now go back to what I said to you 5, 10, now more than 20 years ago. Some of these Teachings were pertinent to particular events, while others are more timeless and almost universal. For you they are Scripture, more valuable than some actual Scripture (like these Letters today) and almost as valuable as the Gospel of John and the Letter to the Romans, to you.

You see, I’m caught between two good values: there must be some “official Holy Scripture,” for continuity and stability… and I still have much to say about modern life… that is not clear and specific in “the Holy…”

For example… Holy Scripture can say “Trust in the Lord,” but you need My advice – you have a couple of bodily conditions that could cause your death, gradually or suddenly, but I say, Trust Me when I say you’ll live just as long as I want you to live. Do what seems right to you and live each day, year, moment (even) fully and joyfully, ready for “whatever I cause or allow.”

So, yes, these Teachings are Holy Scripture for you… and may be appreciated by others as you share then in Our Ruminations. To use again the term I’ve had you focus on of late, I do love diversity, and I am responsible for the fact that there are many “versions” of Scripture in the world today, and many differing responses to each by My human creations.

THURS., OCT. 5, 2000, 8:46 AM

Here beginneth yet another Teaching, from Me, Holy Spirit to you, Bob Russell. You just have finished the time with your Christian breakfast “brethren,” the reading and discussion of some “minor” bits of Holy Scripture. Yes, this was and is Holy Scripture because it is an accepted portion of the New Testament, but it is rarely quoted, is quite brief, and seems short on “power,” that Scripture is supposed to have.

I say this to you as Holy Spirit, One ultimately responsible for these portions of Scripture and One Who is . . .

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