Scripture: A Mixed Message

SAT., AUG. 28, 1993, 7:10 AM

You are trying out the idea that you and I devised for your Adult Forum, which will begin tomorrow, if anyone decides to join you. You will take notes on Richard’s sermon, and that, with the help of the notes, will be one basis for the morning discussion. But “and more” in your title implies that you will have a Teaching, received at some earlier time or between Friday afternoon and Sunday morning, that relates either to the sermon topic or the Scriptural passages. This will be good discipline for you, and a way, minor though it shall be, to utilize these communications from Me. You have started the process, o son.

Unfortunately, the Scriptural passages are short… one verse “proof texts”… and they seem to be contrary to the, or one of the, major truths I have laid upon you. They are not untrue, for they say that humans, here in the earth, can never fully understand My ways and that heaven, the life after death, is much better than what you are experiencing here on earth. These are fragments of truth, but they come out of a long saga of a chosen people and Me, the Triune God. They come, in the Scriptural narrative, after My life, death, and resurrection as Jesus, but also after I have come into the earth, officially and actively, as Holy Spirit.

The “competing” truth… or the yin/yang opposite… is that I created this earth, and I found it good… and I still do. I may have destroyed it once, but that was to emphasize My power to do so… and I somehow, in a mystical combination of pre-planning and supernatural power, allowed and helped it to recover into a very healthy, liveable environment.

Further, I designed this earth scene as one with sin, pain, struggle, and hardship. Why? As a unique way of encouraging spiritual growth. Oh, spirit can grow in more gentle, peaceful realms, but for some souls this earth experience is a means to accelerated growth. Is this good? Well, it is a good. The notion that the earth developed the ways it has, from Scriptural accounts to the present-day newspaper and TV news, against My will and beyond My power to change it is just plain silly. This earth is functioning just about as I want it to. I still see the positive values of My creation outweighing the negatives.

Now this is where the passage on being able to see as I do, but very dimly, does apply. Those humans suffering and dying in Bosnia, or in Somalia, or in several other portions of My earth where war or strife prevails, usually cannot see any value in this, but as they come across the light shines brightly, and they see this as part of a greater whole.

Remember the analog of the river, representing all the conflicts, selfishness, and destructive acts, and the banks, representing the normal, loving lives of the majority of My people. In your area the river rose and there was much destruction, but also much human compassion and willingness to help fellow humans who were suffering. At the same time, here, on this Farm, the grass grew, the flowers bloomed, and calves were safely born. Some corn is under water; other fields prosper and will bring rewards to their planters.

SAT., AUG. 28, 1993, 7:10 AM

You are trying out the idea that you and I devised for your Adult Forum, which will begin tomorrow, if anyone decides to join you. You will take notes on Richard’s sermon, and that, with the help of the notes, will be one basis for the morning discussion. But “and more” in your title implies that you will have a Teaching, received at some earlier time or between Friday afternoon and Sunday morning, that relates either to the sermon topic or the Scriptural passages. This will be good discipline for . . .

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