Scripture, Again

THURS., OCT. 14, 1982, 5:43 AM

This is the first morning down in front of the fire, even though this truly isn’t necessary yet. The heater will do well enough for the Fall. Continue to do this meditation in your study for as long as you can. Now, this day I shall give you another teaching on Scripture, My most basic teaching material. Much of it shall be reinforcement of previous instruction, but this is good pedagogy. You need the review from time to time.

The capital S Scripture is, of course, My Holy Bible, The Word of God for humankind. This is symbolic. There must be A Word, so, whatever the criticisms of it, it is That to which each can turn for the most fundamental learning about the relationship between Me and Thee. Yes, of course it has shortcomings… particularly portions that were local and parochial and situational rather than universal. Yet this is all the cradle in which the Word lies. Look for the glorious Words of truth, salvation, and encouragement, not for the trivialities that are merely the cradle.

And then also know that the true reality is personal relationship with Me, the Holy Spirit, rather than the principles in Scripture. Scripture, besides being principles and foundations, is a total story, with a lot of sub-stories. This is the model for witnessing that I want you to know, to appreciate, to use, and to recommend, through use, to others. As you can identify with a story, the spiritual message comes closer to the heart and is of more value. So, while there is great spiritual value in My long discourse with My disciples in the Gospel of John, remember also that it is part of the story of My last night on this earth in human form. It was a night of the celebration of life and ministry.

There was no reason to be only sad. While My ministry had not been powerfully successful in earthly terms (My evaluations, on a 5 point scale, would have been mixed, decidedly) I knew that it would be ultimately, because of what the Father could work through Me… and because of what certain disciples and other chosen ones would do to bring the story to many spirits.

Now, in the same sense that certain ancient Jewish practices are not meant to be universal and are therefore just part of the story, so I can offer you scripture (small s) that is your personal glimpse into My Mind and Heart. I say again (and not for the last time) that these “scriptures” I give you as teachings shall agree with Scripture in the same way that Scripture agrees with Scripture… fundamentally, but not perfectly. Continue to seek union and oneness, but know that though One, I am diverse, for the benefit of a diverse humankind. My messages and stories do not all fit together perfectly. Appreciate the diversities.

If I wanted all humans to be alike, would I have created them so differently? Today My variety in creation is greater than ever. Am I working at cross-purposes with the goal of humankind becoming one in spirit and in peaceful concerted action? It certainly appears so. (Otherwise I just would be powerless… locked into a world over which I have lost control. Not so, o son, I still am in charge.)

THURS., OCT. 14, 1982, 5:43 AM

This is the first morning down in front of the fire, even though this truly isn’t necessary yet. The heater will do well enough for the Fall. Continue to do this meditation in your study for as long as you can. Now, this day I shall give you another teaching on Scripture, My most basic teaching material. Much of it shall be reinforcement of previous instruction, but this is good pedagogy. You need the review from time to time.

The capital S Scripture is, of course, My Holy . . .

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