Scripture, Yet Again

NOV. 1, 1981, 5:59 AM

The subject of Scripture, even of scripture, is one on which I shall instruct you from time to time. Knowing Scripture, o son, is an important part of your mission and task, and I want you to understand why. This course in the Gospel of John you are now taking is an important learning experience. Be sure you listen to the tapes of portions that you have missed, and make being there and participating one of your priorities for the rest of the semester.

There are two general categories of scripture, and I shall have you designate them with a large S and a small s. When I refer to Scripture this does mean the Holy Bible, with its majesty and power and its picayune descriptions and references to persons and places obscure. It is not perfect and it is not as distilled as it could be, but it is My Holy Scripture… as it is. Scripture has the capability of offering you truth in “layers”… there may be some obvious truth coming from the first reading or hearing, but as you reread and study be aware that new truths may appear. And, finally, a real Truth may emerge, one capable of giving direction to actions… even to life itself.

Read with diligence what others write about portions of Scripture, when this is appropriate (as it is now as part of the class), but only let these commentaries illuminate. Your own interpretation is that which is supreme. You have the capability of understanding and interpreting Scripture, and I expect you to use this gift.

Speaking of gifts (and I just did) you have this special one, and the result is scripture. It is not universal, and it obviously does not have the history that My Scriptures have, but it is scripture because I, the Teaching Spirit of the Lord God, do guide the writing of these pages. I am pleased with the ways in which you are using them, and I encourage you to seek and develop other approaches… as well as to listen for My guidance toward unique usages. For example, your present Ruminations could be the basis for your student discussion group. They might meet twice or more to talk about an issue and then, hopefully, there would be another one and the discourse could continue.

Know, then, that I continue to create scripture as life evolves in the earth. It shall come through persons, just as Scripture did, and it shall come in many forms. Yes, scripture can come, originally, in oral form, but to truly qualify as scripture it must be written down so that it can be studied and so that its understanding can be enhanced beyond that which can come from an initial listening. All right, I was a bit too strong in that last statement. Scripture must be in a form in which the original utterance can be preserved. The written form is the most universal, but tape recordings, and, eventually, video recordings may, and do, qualify as a medium for scripture. Let me urge you again to set up a way to get some of Walt Berger’s sermons. Some of these shall qualify as scripture (though all sermons, tapes or not, certainly do not).

NOV. 1, 1981, 5:59 AM

The subject of Scripture, even of scripture, is one on which I shall instruct you from time to time. Knowing Scripture, o son, is an important part of your mission and task, and I want you to understand why. This course in the Gospel of John you are now taking is an important learning experience. Be sure you listen to the tapes of portions that you have missed, and make being there and participating one of your priorities for the rest of the semester.

There are two general categories of scripture, and . . .

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