Scripture, Yet Again

WED., JULY 22, 1987, 12:38 PM

This is a week in which you have done more reading and studying of Scripture than in any regular week. I am pleased with this, for I do continually urge you to be more competent in your knowledge of this printed Word. You are, hearing comments and interpretations, some of which are helpful and some of which seem worthy of forgetting. Now I offer My help in the incorporation of these writings into your spiritual path. Hear, o son.

First, to one of the last points in the class just over… what I want you to know and tell is that I was around in the earth before Pentecost. I had specific tasks, and I was not yet “commissioned” as I am now, but I did participate in some events pre-Pentecost, often unnoticed and unnamed. This takes nothing away from this important role I now have… which I share with that other aspect of Me, Jesus, the Christ. I did not have to be created anew for Pentecost, and I did not have to dive into earth activity without some preparation and previous experience.

Your learning in relation to these prophets is worthwhile, and you can now feel more assured that there is some positive hope expressed. You know, and I have told you repeatedly, that there is a plan for My interaction in the earth, but no person can discern it, even in large part. The best approach, somewhat paradoxically, is not one of scholarship, but one of spirit-filled imagination. Those who reach sainthood rarely write books, particularly those with footnotes, and are minimally interested in scholarly interpretations. (Now to say that this is your path does not mean you are a saint… but your approach is a valid, appropriate one.)

So be little concerned about history and culture, and read these Scriptures with a sense of their potential application to and benefit for this very day. When I tell you to read Scripture I mean just this, and not about Scripture. You can become more consistent and at-one with the responsibilities and opportunities of life. This means you need to rely less and less on “facts” and what other people write and say, and more and more on your own accumulated experiences, with increasing help from Me.

An important lesson from these prophets is the old, familiar one – for everything there is a season. A nation can realize its selfishness and departure from what I would have it be, can repent, change, and avoid overt disaster. There will be upset, and some people shall always feel wronged and deprived, but the need for real destruction shall abate. Your nation probably will not respond to the prophetic challenge, for the messages are mixed, as are the responses to each. Though I see and acknowledge considerable selflessness and desire to share and to give, your fundamental culture is not consonant with most of the rest of humankind. Yours is a minor prophetic voice, but it is appropriate for you to urge this learning through at least two of your courses. Present economic conditions will not continue, and this will be an important spiritual test for Christians and your nation.

WED., JULY 22, 1987, 12:38 PM

This is a week in which you have done more reading and studying of Scripture than in any regular week. I am pleased with this, for I do continually urge you to be more competent in your knowledge of this printed Word. You are, hearing comments and interpretations, some of which are helpful and some of which seem worthy of forgetting. Now I offer My help in the incorporation of these writings into your spiritual path. Hear, o son.

First, to one of the last points in the class . . .

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