Scripture’s Challenge

SAT., OCT. 14, 1989, 8:13 AM

Holy Scripture is the story of My major relationship with people of the earth as gathered together in the Holy Bible. I have a difficult time getting you to read, study, and know this Scriptural story. I tell you this day that Scripture is a challenge for present day humans… and here’s why.

One challenge is to be able to read the stories in translation and discern what is the core spiritual relevance for this day and any other, as differentiated from the culture of the time, that may be of interest but is of little final significance. In these stories religion was dominated by men, but that was cultural, not a spiritual absolute. There were slaves, but the Scriptures do not urge anti-slavery movements. There were animal sacrifices, but these have easily been identified as cultural.

What is more difficult, generally, is to determine what developments of modern life are acceptable and even to be valued, even as there is no mention of them in the Bible. The huge cities of today were not possible 2,000 years ago, and though I have told you these are not My design I work within them as best I can. Cities are a challenge. Modern medical procedures, and dental procedures also, were not even envisioned in Biblical times. These can be useful but also overused and over applied. I accepted the affirmation of My servant Elizabeth when she said that it can be difficult to die for some in your culture. The premise of prolonging life of the old, the suffering, the deteriorating is not one that applies in all times. As Jesus I prolonged a few lives, but I also turned down other opportunities to do the same. My life story tells clearly that the length of a life is of little consequence. There may be something to be learned by invalid status or mental deterioration, but hear also that prolonging an earth life can postpone entrance into another learning experience that may be much better.

Another challenge of Scripture is to discern the spiritual message in the actions as well as in the words. I’ll illustrate with the previous example. There is no repeated Scriptural message that living longer is necessarily better. Yet I, as Jesus, went to My death at an early age, making no effort to save Myself, even in natural ways. There are no direct affirmations that I, as Almighty God, cause people to suffer, but the story of Job (real in spiritual terms) proclaims that this is so. Also, My dealing with My chosen people, Israel, was a story of punishment and hardship as well as reward and blessing.

It also is a challenge to decide which Scriptural stories are most relevant to your life. It is obvious that there is no theology agreed to by all Christians. You watched, the other evening, a film picturization of some early Christian missionaries going to convert the heathen Hawaiians. Abner’s strong focus was on sin and depravity. There are Biblical passages that support such a position, and he selected these over those emphasizing love and the supreme gift of grace. You have put your faith in these latter, being helped by My Teachings. Is this not the best way, then? For you, Yes. For all, No. The challenge is to interpret Scriptures in the light of your theology, but to be sure that your theology is based in sound Scripture.

My servant Paul is a Scriptural challenge for you. His letters were a strong force in bringing you to your born again experience. He was clearly chosen by Me, and you feel a familiar affinity for this. Yet he also had some harsh words, some overly egotistic outbursts, and some Abner-like sermons on sin and depravity. And yet he wrote of grace in a way no other writer of Scripture did. Can you accept that which touches your spirit and let lie that which seems extreme? A challenge of Scripture is that there is no universal answer to this question.

SAT., OCT. 14, 1989, 8:13 AM

Holy Scripture is the story of My major relationship with people of the earth as gathered together in the Holy Bible. I have a difficult time getting you to read, study, and know this Scriptural story. I tell you this day that Scripture is a challenge for present day humans… and here’s why.

One challenge is to be able to read the stories in translation and discern what is the core spiritual relevance for this day and any other, as differentiated from the culture of the time, that . . .

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