Searching For Security

FRI., OCT. 22, 1993, 6:59 AM

In one sense, this shall be an “old-fashioned,” fundamentalist Teaching. I generally speak to you in terms that would be deemed liberal… My love for diversity rather than a single Way, even the best one being the best example. Yet My fundamental message is that the only real security in this life, or any other, is to have your hand firmly in Mine, o son. You know this, and still you often act as though security requires more.

You can question whether you could feel the security you do if your work situation and your regular paycheck were not as they are. If you were in situations like Bob and John Patrick would you be more or less dependent on Me? Would you feel the security you feel now? Still, you must remember that you come to this job situation, only dimly aware that it was where I wanted you to be, eventually to do what I am directing you to do, when you were just a year younger than Bob. In retrospect it seems so easy, but time has softened the rough times. Your security was always in Me, but you did not realize it in earlier years.

One aspect of security is a pain-free, well functioning body. You next experience some variety of small pains and loss of function. Can you eliminate these with medication and faithful exercises? Or do these just remind you that security is in Me, and My Spirit, in concert with yours, can diminish your concern for these imperfections. You have security despite pains and dysfunction. So say I.

This is your best place and you are in your best professional position, but your security does not rest in these. In fact it is because you have the security that only I can bestow that you can enjoy life as you do. The joy you experience in your teaching wells up from your security in Me. It’s just important to realize the real source.

You have sufficient money to live well, but not excessively, and to be generous in your gifts and pledges to Me and to causes that touch your spirit. I continue to say that I shall provide wealth in sufficiency, and mostly you believe this. I supplied manna to My chosen people, not lavishly but enough for security. I just have the capacity to manipulate even the distribution of money and goods so that this security is sustained. Be ever mindful of the needs of others… is not just a grandson’s rote prayer. It is fundamental to the life I want you to live.

As you set off on an even longer trip tomorrow you feel secure in how you have made the arrangements, and yet you know that rarely does everything work out just as planned. Remember that your primary task is to explore the spiritual growth of your graduates and colleagues, especially those who read Our Ruminations. You shall seek some out. Others will seek you. You needn’t be blatant about it. Just feel the security that I provide, that can guide you to just the right balance of questions and responses. The mantle of one who is interested most in spirit as a dimension of health… even its essence… is developing and descending upon you. Increasingly this shall be a comfortable mantle, one you shall accept both humbly and joyfully.

FRI., OCT. 22, 1993, 6:59 AM

In one sense, this shall be an “old-fashioned,” fundamentalist Teaching. I generally speak to you in terms that would be deemed liberal… My love for diversity rather than a single Way, even the best one being the best example. Yet My fundamental message is that the only real security in this life, or any other, is to have your hand firmly in Mine, o son. You know this, and still you often act as though security requires more.

You can question whether you could feel the security you do if . . .

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