Seasons, Seasons…

SAT., NOV. 27, 1993, 6:42 PM

It is part of the Scriptural text, and I had to “work” to have it included… “for everything there is a season, and a time for every matter (purpose) under heaven.” The winter season of the year is almost upon you. Gone are the lush leaves and the growing grass… the insects, the warmth of the sun. Now is a time for warming fires, for layers of clothes, and for gloves… for barren trees and cold slush. It is the opposite of summer, but it comes after a transition through the autumn, just as summer will come after a growth-encouraging spring.

There are seasons in most lives, and the one you are in now is most comparable to autumn. It is a season in which growth slows, even as life and health are maintained. Just as there are some summer-like days, so you can still do much that you could do in younger years. But your strengths shall wane, and some of these shall be hard to accept. You have to be satisfied with the truth that you are experiencing a fall life, a full set of seasons, not just spring and summer.

As you relaxed and enjoyed Rick’s visit you heard yourself promising to do more than you probably will. You would like to bring to completion papers that I have recommended, but you also realize the commitments of time and energy you already have… plus the cards and letters long overdue. One characteristic of this present season of yours is that of minimal to no growth. This means if you add something you must give up something else. And you don’t find this easy, at all.

It is the season, again, to design and compose a Ruminations. The theme shall be Some of My Chosen from the Scriptural Story, and you can decide which Teachings, about whom, you shall include. There are seasons for themes that relate more to your professional field and to contemporary issues. Yet there also must be a season in which you share some of what I have taught you about Old and New Testament souls, in bodies that qualify them as characters in the drama. You probably won’t write this until your academic tasks are over for the term, but there should be time then, whatever you decide about visiting. You can be getting the potential sources ready, even this week.

As to the larger national and even international scene, remember that I do not call you a prophet, and I do not give you prophesies to share, as such. But I can teach you about balances and seasons, and I can say again that you shall probably experience at least the beginning of a difficult economic time for your culture. There finally must be a payment for the “free lunch” your country has been enjoying as it has given out much more than it has taken in. Some developments take longer to actually occur than would be predicted. I am not concerned about a few years, more or less. You have helped some financially more than would be considered prudent, even as you have fulfilled rather well My admonition not to be self-centered in your wealth, but give of your excess to those in need, and your sons have been such. Yet this leaves you more vulnerable to downward movements in the economy which shall have effects on you. Just be as ready as you can be.

SAT., NOV. 27, 1993, 6:42 PM

It is part of the Scriptural text, and I had to “work” to have it included… “for everything there is a season, and a time for every matter (purpose) under heaven.” The winter season of the year is almost upon you. Gone are the lush leaves and the growing grass… the insects, the warmth of the sun. Now is a time for warming fires, for layers of clothes, and for gloves… for barren trees and cold slush. It is the opposite of summer, but it comes after a transition through the . . .

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