Secular Thoughts

TUES., NOV. 23, 1993, 6:27 AM

Since I, as Almighty God, have created this tangible earth scene, as one of My many realms, I have to be able to think in terms of the limitations of this realm. I have created, as a part of this scene, humans, who organize themselves in secular ways… as was necessary after the Garden experience was over. There are many cultures and sub-cultures on this earth now, and yours is decidedly secular. So this morning, as you await the “rising” of the sun I shall share with you some thoughts on secular thinking. (Yes, o son, you can think about thinking.)

According to secular thinking, that which is dominant for your “people,” the human being is the highest form of life because of capacities to use the brain. Yet there also are prejudices and judgments, so that some humans are perceived as more valuable and some less – even as your high standard is equality of opportunity. But, you see, if humans are the most valuable because of brain power, then it is inevitable that those with high, practical mental ability will be “at the top”… with variations, because of other values.

Secular thinking rejects the notion of an immortal soul and, of course, any relationship with Me. Therefore there is no universal purpose in human life. Any individual may develop purposes, but these are all tangible. Common, for your culture, is the desire to be successful in some profession, job, or business, making money so that one can live comfortably or even affluently. Secular thinking recommends working at something that pays well so that, as soon as possible, one can retire from work and live just as well. The purpose of work is to produce something so that you are paid and others can avail themselves of what you have produced.

Let’s be specific: you are a professor in a secular institution. Your field of specialty is education about health. Health is still a secular concept, the quality of functioning of your body and mind. Through your teaching, your community service, and your research and writing, all documented, you have reached the secure top of your profession. Yet you will receive few raises in pay unless you continue to “produce.” You are expected to teach in secular terms, the main purpose in human life being to stay alive. Ah, but you see a conflict with less dominant secular thinking… that there is an excess of humans, and that death, as well as birth control, should be allowed, even encouraged.

So, the purpose in your teaching, practically, is that you are paid regularly and rather well so that you can live in this comfortable fashion. Another purpose is that students learn how to live in ways that should result in a longer life. Yet another is that those majoring in your field will become competent and will find jobs as educators, for which they will be paid, hopefully well. It could be said that your success could be measured by how long your students live and by how much money they are paid for their professional work.

Again, there is no purpose in doing anything other than providing for self. Even responsibilities for family is strongly tinged with spiritual purposes. Oh, it is possible to develop secular feelings of responsibility for others… for family, for community, for learners with difficulty, for those who are sick or handicapped. There is a certain amount of secular love, even compassion, for emotions are a part of this natural person who is in the earth because of natural causes. Yet in a secular sense concern for others always comes after concern for self.

TUES., NOV. 23, 1993, 6:27 AM

Since I, as Almighty God, have created this tangible earth scene, as one of My many realms, I have to be able to think in terms of the limitations of this realm. I have created, as a part of this scene, humans, who organize themselves in secular ways… as was necessary after the Garden experience was over. There are many cultures and sub-cultures on this earth now, and yours is decidedly secular. So this morning, as you await the “rising” of the sun I shall share with you some thoughts . . .

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