
MON., MAY 24, 1982, 6:23 PM

Hear, o son, of a most important concept. I shall not comment on your current fantasy. It is an acceptable exercise of the imagination as long as it creates a relatively non-self-seeking story. Just do not let it occupy your mind overlong.

The only true security is in Me, of course. You reread these teachings and realize anew how My relationship with you is a strengthening one, a constant one, an educative one, an encouraging one. You feel secure in this exercise, evidenced again by your seeking Me in this unlikely place. You are feeling more and more secure in sharing the teachings with others… secure in interpreting them and in affirming that these are My teachings to and through you… and not universally relevant and applicable scripture. He who has ears to hear, let her hear. And be sure that you glory in those who do find value in what I share with you.

You have as much job security as one could have, yet know that all job security is relative to conditions of the time. This is yet no time to relax and coast. Continue to create opportunities for you to be judged valuable in your field, and continue to fulfill the ones I arrange and offer to you. Continue to write in some variety of ways. Your job security still rests more in your value to the institution and to your profession than it does in seniority and tenure. You may never have the luxury of coasting and resting upon these artificial forms of security. And, importantly, you should never need to so rely.

There is a fundamental security in knowing that I care for you and assist you along the path and ALSO in knowing that the path is a continuous one, not ended by death. The insecurity of some folks, including some Christians, is rooted in misconceptions about death… and a fear of departing the earth plane. Develop some stories about the continuity of life in spirit, telling of how security grows with this view of reality.

Feel no need to directly challenge the orthodox Christian outlook, which also is one of security. A true Christian, of course, is one who accepts My Grace and forgiveness… not necessarily one who worries about breaking commandments. Such a Christian may feel secure in anticipating some encounter with Me, the Christ, and then some leisurely, happy, problem-free existence for “eternity”, in regular communion with Me, the Lord, and with others who have accepted My Grace. Rather than trying to counter this with some other picture, ask such a person to tell you about the most satisfying aspects of life now and about what he expects in Paradise. If these seem inconsistent, then interject one of your stories… much preferable to trying some direct counter theology. Remember that your aim is to increase the person’s security, not undermine and reduce what they presently have. As you begin to try this out the experience will be your teacher, and your security in this pursuit will increase.

MON., MAY 24, 1982, 6:23 PM

Hear, o son, of a most important concept. I shall not comment on your current fantasy. It is an acceptable exercise of the imagination as long as it creates a relatively non-self-seeking story. Just do not let it occupy your mind overlong.

The only true security is in Me, of course. You reread these teachings and realize anew how My relationship with you is a strengthening one, a constant one, an educative one, an encouraging one. You feel secure in this exercise, evidenced again by your seeking Me . . .

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