
FRI., OCT. 27, 1989, 8:34 AM

One of the almost universal aims of persons and groups in this earth is security. This is positive in that it means being secure with who you are, having a functional place in life, with food, clothing, and an adequate home. In a more negative sense it includes being protected from persons or forces that could bring harm or could take away those positive aspects of security. Thus security is some balance of personal feeling and objective reality.

Let Me speak first of spiritual security. Faith is the first necessity. You must have faith in yourself, but also faith in other persons. Then comes faith in forces you can’t measure or completely comprehend, the most helpful of which is faith in Me, as a personal, Triune God. If these measures of faith are all about equal you enjoy maximum security.

But beyond faith is knowing. Knowing Me and My powers and concerns offers a security quite beyond that based in faith. You have passed beyond faith to knowing certainty. Thus you are secure in what you do and in who you are. You become less attached to your identity as a particular person, and you become more of a servant of Mine. Being a servant is not desirable in the eyes of your society. Yet a servant is a most secure person, being taken care of by a master and having prescribed duties. It may not be exciting and challenging, but it is secure.

One of the important trade-offs of life is the tradeoff of security for adventure and challenge. Last week you traded the security of your life here on the Farm and at the University for life in a big city, doing several conventions. You knew people, and you had made previous arrangements, so you still had a good deal of security. Your misplaced charge card raised the spectre of insecurity, but that was rather quickly resolved. Nothing happened that you couldn’t handle, but there were moments of insecurity. Now you are back, and though you have much to do your security is maximum.

It would be difficult for you to give up your position here… or your home… and seek a new position, even one different from what you now do. It seems unlikely that you would have to do this, but, rightly, you wonder to what extent you could see it as an adventure. You feel sure that your knowledge of and your faith in Me would eventually overcome the mundane insecurities. After all, you are, fundamentally, a servant of Mine, and you could serve in any capacity. Even your physical security is of little consequence, for you know that life continues on after death, in even more vivid and clear ways than here in the earth.

Consider your security as a gift. It is not something you earned nor necessarily deserved. You did not work hard to achieve it. You just have responded to My invitation to hear Me clearly and regularly, and the bonus gift is maximum security about continuing life. This gives you the capacity to overcome, after some initial shock, the losses that could come at any time.

You live in an area ready for an earthquake. Rightly, you have no real fear of such an eventuality, even as you would rather be out in your pasture rather than in some old brick building when it is time for the earth to move. Your trust must be that you will be in some relatively safe place, and that I want you to continue on this present path for some longer time. Yet you could suffer much loss… and would have to see that against what you need never lose – your relationship with Me.

FRI., OCT. 27, 1989, 8:34 AM

One of the almost universal aims of persons and groups in this earth is security. This is positive in that it means being secure with who you are, having a functional place in life, with food, clothing, and an adequate home. In a more negative sense it includes being protected from persons or forces that could bring harm or could take away those positive aspects of security. Thus security is some balance of personal feeling and objective reality.

Let Me speak first of spiritual security. Faith is the first necessity. You . . .

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