
TUES., JAN. 6, 1998, 7:38 AM

You have been pushed to think about insurance, which then will lead on to other forms of monetary security. I have no objection to rational planning for the future, in a culture that is so oriented to money and things. Yet, as you would expect, My concept of security is quite different, and I feel the need to pull you in My direction, for a better balance.

I have told you repeatedly that you shall have all that you need for the rest of your earth life. This is comforting, but your greater concern is for Lenore, should her life be longer and “more expensive” than yours. That could be true, but her life is in My hands also. I have many ways to insure that she also has what she needs.

Now, in this culture there is one important condition – being resistant to high cost medical treatment. Behind that, of course, is an inordinate desire to continue earthly life, “no matter what it costs”. Thus, one of the conditions of My “guarantee” is that you accept some disability as part of this last lap of your earth journey and that you accept death as a desirable means for moving you to a more spiritual realm.

Hear Me saying, then, that your true security is in Me rather than in monetary insurance policies. I won’t tell you exactly how much of that you should (or should not) have… that’s your and Lenore’s decision. Just know, however, that life, in its total essence, is not rational and is not appropriate, finally, to rational conclusions. For example, when you accept Me, Triune God, as your Lord it is more important to your future that you give generously to the church, to Covenant House, Running Strong… and to other groups that benefit those less fortunate and that work to retain the health of My web of life… than to sending excessive money off to insurance companies. This is spiritual, not rational, but I tell you it is closer to true reality.

You and Lenore have given generously to the sons who have needs, met by money. You have some concern that this encourages their excesses, and this may be so, but the real value comes from the giving… rather than saving for yourself. You have been given much, in this life, so, in appreciation, you need to give back, even beyond what you can rationally afford.

As you talked with Mark, Karl, and Adrian yesterday… as they spoke of the reality of student loans, you were reminded that you benefited from an education that was essential for your enjoyable and rewarding life work… at virtually no cost to you or your family. You have “given back” during your life, and that is part of your security. Give, and it shall be given to you. I say this rather than Take care of yourself, for no one else will.

I approve of the monetary advice: die broke. Yet My important corollary is that you should die spiritually rich… from hearing Me and having your spirit grow through service to and concern for others. For being “broke” at death is no great virtue if you haven’t profited spiritually from the use of your money and resources. Do you truly feel spiritually enriched when you pay an insurance bill, particularly a large one that “stretches” you… at a time in life when stretching of this sort seems inappropriate.

TUES., JAN. 6, 1998, 7:38 AM

You have been pushed to think about insurance, which then will lead on to other forms of monetary security. I have no objection to rational planning for the future, in a culture that is so oriented to money and things. Yet, as you would expect, My concept of security is quite different, and I feel the need to pull you in My direction, for a better balance.

I have told you repeatedly that you shall have all that you need for the rest of your earth life. This is comforting . . .

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