Security… My Prescription

WED., FEB. 7, 1996, 8:45 AM

You are listening to and hearing the Holy Spirit of the Lord God, an “aspect’ of this God and also One with Him and Her and with Jesus, Son and Savior. I just wanted you to have this reinforced. You are writing, on this special paper with this special pen, as you have for close to 17 years now. You are not “making up” what you write, but you transcribe as you hear. Keep it up…

For it is a bedrock for your ultimate security. Already you are experiencing a familiarity with Me that surpasses many, if not most, of your earthly friendships. That is important as you get closer to the end of life. In one of the papers you read last evening you read the account of a father who bravely hung onto life, living longer than expected with a metastasizing cancer. This was pictured as heroic, but I saw it, as I do every day in the earth, as a badly misplaced priority. The notion that life with cancer, plus the discomforts of modern treatments, is better than moving on to the spirit world is pretty ridiculous.

Oh, it’s all right to have some time to contemplate your life (as you can remember it… and an increasing number of your elderly pretty much lose much of that remembrance) and to say Goodbye to friends and family. But then, realizing that your security is in Me, it becomes time to turn toward this wholly spiritual aspect of your eternal life, and look more toward Me. When you, or any of your earth colleagues, shift your life focus in this way the transition is easy, delightful, fun. You’ve read about and heard accounts of out-of-body experiences, and they sound like a wonderful adventure. Well, this is the essence of the death experience… moving out of a poorly functioning body and an increasingly unreliable mind to greater freedom and perceptions that you can imagine.

Security is turning to Me. Security is being “in Me”. Security is trusting Me for all that you need. Security is in spiritual knowledge, which gives ultimate peace.

You live in a rather highly adversarial culture. This is seen as a healthy condition, and in one small way it is. But in a larger sense the countless struggles for power and “being right” mostly are a chasing after wind. It is almost time for Me to urge you to give less time to the news of such conflicts and more time to the opportunities I give you to counsel, compliment, and positively affirm your students, those particular graduates whom I have given to you, and friends. In this spirit it was wise not to confront Richard about that censored news item. That would be an unnecessary conflict for you and for him.

Oh, I realize that this slow amble through Isaiah shows Me forth as a God who alternately does what I’ve just recommended and then becomes wrathful and avengeful. Yes, I have done that, and I continue, with some, for My own purposes. But this is not your path, and such is also My purpose.

For some humans there still is a need to be confrontive… to get things done… to right wrongs by effective but enervating opposition. Remember My love for diversity. A few of such folks are faithful servants of Mine, and I have guided them to such adversarial paths. Some who claim this, however, are not being truthful and are using proclaimed relationship with Me as a means. Most of these shall be sorry for such misrepresentation when they pass on over… or even before.

WED., FEB. 7, 1996, 8:45 AM

You are listening to and hearing the Holy Spirit of the Lord God, an “aspect’ of this God and also One with Him and Her and with Jesus, Son and Savior. I just wanted you to have this reinforced. You are writing, on this special paper with this special pen, as you have for close to 17 years now. You are not “making up” what you write, but you transcribe as you hear. Keep it up…

For it is a bedrock for your ultimate security. Already you are experiencing a familiarity . . .

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