See It As An Opportunity

SUN., SEPT. 1, 1996, 6:31 AM

This morning, as last Sunday, you will “face” a small group of young teens in a church school class. You haven’t had this experience in well over 40 years, and, last week, you were a bit apprehensive. You don’t feel super qualified or ready for such a repeat today, but you’ll “be there”. Relax and enjoy it as much as possible… and do see it as a spiritual opportunity.

Today you’ll try to get them to think and talk about how I, as the Triune God, “work” in this earth scene, in the diversity of cultures that now exist. The Bible stories say I certainly can act directly, changing conditions rather dramatically. Yet other Bible stories seem to say that I let conditions develop into “problems”, letting people suffer the consequences of actions and there is sometimes the implication, at least, that many suffer for the actions of a few.

You can’t study the Old Testament Scriptures without getting the impression that I instigated the first violence in the earth, young person against young person, even brother against brother. Today wars and skirmishes ebb and flow, often because of different perceptions of Me, as God, and different traditions… ways of living. Weapons are such that killing is easy, and violence is a leading cause of death among the youth of your culture. I do prevent some of such violence, but I don’t micromanage the earth, and, remember, deaths are an important part of life, particularly now with the size and growth of the human population.

Recall the wisdom of the Preacher… there is a time to build up and a time to break down, a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. The spiritual challenge of earth life… and it is an opportunity… is to transcend these apparent and obvious opposites, seeing the potential value in all life experiences. I said this to Andy in the extended Teaching she shared with you, and I remind you of it, again.

Emphasize, this morning, that I am a competent, omniscient Creator God. I created the earth to be as it is, and I still find it good. I am not disappointed in earth life, and if I were, I certainly could change it and make it “better”. You see, if there is too much peace those in power tend to dominate those who are not. (7:15 / 7:17) As Jesus I lived in a time and in a place where there was technical peace. Roman rule prevented wars, like those My original chosen people had experienced before. If I were truly the Messiah I would lead a battle against this foreign domination, restoring peace with “us now in charge”. That was not My role, and hence I “disqualified” Myself as “Who I said I was”. Peace was maintained. Is that always good?

Your culture has much military might, including weapons that would not only kill and maim but also make the earth more dangerous, from the “pollution” their use would cause. You can keep the peace, world-wide, with the threat of those weapons. Yet other cultures are uncomfortable with the peace you “control”. Thus peace is always threatened, particularly with nuclear and chemical knowledge.

Will these kids be able to see these connections? Will they be interested? Try to find out how they do see Me? If I don’t always do what I “can”, why don’t I? Emphasize, with the letter from Sister May Rose, that I do use people to do much of My “work” here on earth. Without violence and inhuman treatment of children and youth there would be no need for folks like this Sister… and many like her.

SUN., SEPT. 1, 1996, 6:31 AM

This morning, as last Sunday, you will “face” a small group of young teens in a church school class. You haven’t had this experience in well over 40 years, and, last week, you were a bit apprehensive. You don’t feel super qualified or ready for such a repeat today, but you’ll “be there”. Relax and enjoy it as much as possible… and do see it as a spiritual opportunity.

Today you’ll try to get them to think and talk about how I, as the Triune God, “work . . .

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