Seeing And Hearing

JAN. 5, 1981, 1:00 PM

You come, o son, to fulfill your commitment in the midst of a busy day. You were conscious, in this new place for this learning experience, of the basic need to both see and hear the theme We shall develop today. There is an important validation in both seeing and hearing, so let Us consider the deeper truth in this approach.

Each of you humans has a number of senses, which are ways of getting information to which you can react… giving you much of the basis for your living experiences. Seeing and hearing are the most fundamental senses for learning and for being. Your eyes have had a busy day today, mostly with words. You see, you identify, you classify, and then you make decisions… this pile or that, keep or discard?

Then Dick came by, and you switched to hearing, and you heard some things that may affect how you organize the military course. Hearing, too, sets off a process that can be important to ways in which you function. I have told you that there is to be a new and different rhythm to your career now, and you do not yet feel it (another sense, certainly). The uncomfortable feeling you had this morning was simply a lack of rhythm. You shall continue to feel this way for awhile, at least a week. Don’t seek to deal with it directly, but just have a strong sense of what it represents and then use your eyes and ears to accomplish tasks that shall lead to this newer balance.

So seeing and hearing are, clearly, physical senses… your main contacts with the world in which you function as a worker. Yet when you see and hear a title for one of these meditations you are seeing and hearing in the realm of spirit. You know you hear no audible sounds of My voice, but you would affirm that you are hearing these words, more plainly, probably, than if you did have to hear them with your not so effective ears. You also “saw”. Seeing and Hearing, but again in its spiritual rather than its substantial reality. Does it matter how high the letters were or what color the ink or what style the type? You saw, you knew, and you begin to write.

Yes, you shall learn more of what you teach through this spiritually based seeing and hearing than has been the case before. It will be a gradual change, but you must be aware of its reality. You must still read and listen to others, colleagues and students, but you must avail yourself of these other unpublished and unrecorded information sources also. Identification of them will be difficult for a time, but trust Me.

JAN. 5, 1981, 1:00 PM

You come, o son, to fulfill your commitment in the midst of a busy day. You were conscious, in this new place for this learning experience, of the basic need to both see and hear the theme We shall develop today. There is an important validation in both seeing and hearing, so let Us consider the deeper truth in this approach.

Each of you humans has a number of senses, which are ways of getting information to which you can react… giving you much of the basis for your living . . .

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