
SUN., FEB. 26, 1989, 5:49 AM

I, the Holy Spirit, love spiritual seekers… those who seek spiritual truth. This does not negate the fact that I call you to seek in one basic way – through these Teachings and the Christian Holy Scriptures. You know that there are many spiritual paths, and some of these are paths of much more seeking than finding. And some who seek for years and years finally do find, that which they sought. You must never judge others by the conditions of your path, even as I motivate some Christians and many from other religions to do precisely such judging.

Some who seek can spend most of a whole earth lifetime in eager search and can pass on to another realm before feeling satisfied with what has been identified. Some find this frustrating, while others find it stimulating and exciting… and there are many with different combinations of these responses. Some of these are happy to be here in the earth, even in American culture (U.S.A. style), where the search is certainly permitted, but is not always encouraged. Some, in need of fellowship join a church or some other spiritual group, where most are not seekers. This usually has some mixed effects, from a continuing uneasy relationship to sporadic “changing around” in such groups.

Those who actually have found a way or who pretend they have may accept the seekers for a time, as a potential “convert.” When it becomes obvious that the seeker is not comfortably and wholeheartedly accepting the truth and doctrine and tradition of the church with which he is associated some members will continue to try, even with renewed effort, some will diminish the attempts for complete “conversion,” but many will begin to reject him who does not respond. Rejection can range from subtle and loving to vicious and hateful. The Ayatollah is one of spirit who rejects those who criticize his path with forceful wrath.

Some seekers are hindered by holding too long to ideas, even truths, that, for their path, they should release or even reject. In other words, their spiritual progress is hindered by holding too long and too firmly to ideas that are not helpful, even as they are for some others. A mature spirit knows, and can be discerning of, relevant truth from the irrelevant. The less mature the spirit, the harder this discernment can be. And balance this observation with the earlier one that some are rightly on a seeking path, where this selective discernment is not appropriate.

A few seekers are such in an earth life because in some earlier episode in everlasting life they were too certain and too avid about their certainty. Some of such folk have joyfully embarked on a life of seeking, just for a balance of the more restrictive time. Yet others, with souls less mature, do this more reluctantly, as if they are being punished for extreme commitment and behavior.

There just is quite a range in perceptions about this need for balance. Some approach it almost like a punishment (and this can be “either way”), while others can lovingly accept the different perspective and feel the real joy that comes with proper personal balancing.

As Jesus I said “Those who are not for Me are against Me”, and I also said “Those who are not against Me are for Me.” The former excludes all but a few seekers, while the latter includes most of those who seek. It is hard to reject Me completely, as Jesus. It was the model spiritual life, but, as such, it had to be opposed, by both the “entrenched” and by some seekers. I knew this, of course, when I came into the earth. And remember that the grace which is so important to your Christian spiritual path came forth because some rejected Me enough to have Me killed.

SUN., FEB. 26, 1989, 5:49 AM

I, the Holy Spirit, love spiritual seekers… those who seek spiritual truth. This does not negate the fact that I call you to seek in one basic way – through these Teachings and the Christian Holy Scriptures. You know that there are many spiritual paths, and some of these are paths of much more seeking than finding. And some who seek for years and years finally do find, that which they sought. You must never judge others by the conditions of your path, even as I motivate some Christians and many from . . .

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