Seeking A Balance

TUES., NOV. 13, 1984, 12:08 PM

The importance of finding this empty room and taking this time to seek active relationship with Me should be obvious, as you are in this exceedingly stimulating atmosphere. You are seeking a balance between this obvious panorama of stimuli and the quiet of this time of Teaching. You knew I would respond, so here We go… in search of balance.

I shall say again, o son, in commencing, that there is no single balance that you should seek. Even though the balance of teaching and living on your Farm is your most favored balance, it would be undesirable to stay away from this convention to maintain that balance. You need this change, and you must stay as active as you can be for the duration, balancing as I direct. It is all right for you to consider alternatives for the end of the week, but also know that I shall direct and lead you into just the right balance. I just have done this in relation to Joyce, and you shall enjoy a time of reunion with that servant of Mine.

I want you to be aware and to appreciate, as a “student” of Mine, that there is a rather poor spiritual balance to these myriad proceedings. You found a session yesterday that had some spiritual consideration, in the midst of charts and numbers, but spirit is not an obvious factor in projections and visions of the health of this culture and of the earth for the future. You must hear what is presented but must continually “factor in” My influence and the energy that spirits generate in daily life.

If all of the visions of this session just concluded should be reasonably accurate there certainly will be more human life on this earth in the future… and I have told you that there will be less. I have not told you how this shall occur, and I shall not do so now, but I am not changing My message. Oh, there could still be a modest increase and still restore a more proper balance with other forms of incarnate life and with the energy in physical form that is My earth, but it is not likely that the values for this will prevail. You needn’t forecast this population change yet, but you must know it as My eventual will.

The major missing balance in relation to health can be drawn from the above issue. Spirit is the most important dimension of health, and the developed spirit manifests selfishness little and selflessness much. Selfishness says that there must be more and more humans in the earth, no matter what the consequences. Selflessness looks to a better balance, characterized by a willingness to have less human domination. More human bodies are not necessary for spiritual growth to take place. I must caution you again about the balance in yourself between just being who you are and playing a role as potential distinguished professor. I cannot tell you exactly what the best balance should be. Each has some merit, and each must affect the other. In the Gospels I am portrayed somewhat differently, as Jesus… from the itinerant carpenter/preacher who is just Jesus… through the Son of Man (some important but confusing definition/description)… to “I and the Father are One.” It is good that the Gospels do not agree… on how I was or even how I taught. Again… just be aware, listen to Me, act and be, and then reflect and rebalance, if necessary.

You are feeling a better balance now than when you began, and certainly better than when you left the morning sessions. Do this again tomorrow at this time, for it shall help balance better than the early morning time in these days of convention.

TUES., NOV. 13, 1984, 12:08 PM

The importance of finding this empty room and taking this time to seek active relationship with Me should be obvious, as you are in this exceedingly stimulating atmosphere. You are seeking a balance between this obvious panorama of stimuli and the quiet of this time of Teaching. You knew I would respond, so here We go… in search of balance.

I shall say again, o son, in commencing, that there is no single balance that you should seek. Even though the balance of teaching and living on your Farm is . . .

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