Seeking A “Better” Balance

WED., AUG. 29, 2001, 3:44 PM

Yes, o son, I need to chide you again about the rhythm and balance of your life. (It is to your “credit” that you have come now, as you have, for you knew I wouldn’t be “congratulating you.”) You can’t seem to achieve the best balance for your life, and it is “about time” that you ceased using your injured feet as an “excuse.” It has been almost 9 months since that “accidental” night… plenty of time for you to establish a rhythm that is appropriate and sustainable for this time in your life.

I am aware of the “list” you are developing, and I shall encourage you to keep this current and to achieve some “scratch-offs” each day… at least each week. Your life now is easy, but there are still tasks I want you to undertake AND complete… and you have some others, of your own, that are not as important to Me.

Oh, of course I realize that you have few (to no!) responsibilities beyond what I “lay on you” and what you give yourself. It should be a pleasanter time of life than I see in your spirit at this time. Which is it? Try harder or Don’t try at all? Some of each, actually, with just a “better” balance. You really shouldn’t be frustrated at this time in your life. And, of course, a good deal of the frustration arises from the “clutter” of this special room. You know how to “attack” the source of this frustration, but you’re unsure of your capacities to keep it as We want it to be.

But I’ll now remind you of some “positives” in your life, as I see it. You seem to have sufficient money to do what each of you want and need to do. (I’ll remind you, again however, of the need to get your bank balance “figured” so that the recent discrepancies are “balanced” and this is no longer a source of concern.) You are not poor. You can live well within your income and have a comfortable cushion for the “unexpecteds.”

You have bodily and mental losses, but these are manageable. Your body is showing signs and symptoms of age, with some particular weaknesses becoming evident. You can compensate for most of the losses, even that of sight, at this time. You have no grand goals for living into your 80’s, and you sometimes are surprised when “something” (like Teachings for you, from Me) reminds you that the origins of your cancer are some years back. You have “lived well” with these “enemy cells” for some time now. Perhaps you will be able to note similar “time” in relation to your future loss of sight.

I realize, as you do, that you are not a compulsively neat person. Oh, you would like to see this room… your “outside the house” environs… the yard… look much neater, but you have not been able to mobilize yourself to do what needs to be done (and kept thus) to accomplish this goal. You realize you will not be as energetic as in former years, but you do seek a “better balance.”

You judge that you’ve gone a bit too far toward “what difference does it make?” You don’t want to overwork yourself… or be too compulsive… but you do need, as I said, a “better” balance. This can include doing certain “selected” chores more fully and regularly. It also can include giving up some that are more part of the frustration than the joy of life in your mid-70’s. AND it can include some variation in what is, at any time, the “better balance.”

You must realize, of course, that you still have tendencies to “push yourself,” in ways that made for success in your “working years.” But, increasingly, you now have a “self” that resists its own “pushing.” I can help make you aware of this “struggle,” but only you can create what you will then see as a “better balance.”

WED., AUG. 29, 2001, 3:44 PM

Yes, o son, I need to chide you again about the rhythm and balance of your life. (It is to your “credit” that you have come now, as you have, for you knew I wouldn’t be “congratulating you.”) You can’t seem to achieve the best balance for your life, and it is “about time” that you ceased using your injured feet as an “excuse.” It has been almost 9 months since that “accidental” night… plenty of time for you to establish a rhythm that is appropriate and sustainable for . . .

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