Seeking Food

MON., NOV. 11, 1985, 6:32 AM

Seeking food is the essence of life. You have said this many times in relation to the interplay of life in an ecosystem. Every living thing must be seeking food, and yet each is also potentially a source of food for some other living “thing.” Now what does this have to do with matters of the spirit… My domain? If you can keep your mind from interfering, with its desire to produce pictures this morning, you shall hear.

It is not possible to sustain physical life in the earth without seeking food… or benefiting from that which someone else has sought and prepared for you. It is possible to experience physical life in the earth without seeking spiritual food. This is of My doing. I have created, and I sustain with this option. Spiritual growth is encouraged in every realm of being, for spirit is the true reality of life. Yet in the earth you have the most choice, and it is possible to live long, and apparently well, without seeking spiritual food… or so it seems.

Remember that there is much variety in food. There is what can be called “junk food”, with poor balances of nutrients and perhaps some harmful ingredients. There are foods that are high in some nutrients, but deficient in others. And then there are a few foods which are really quite balanced and are of such value that they should be sought and consumed regularly. You shall not be surprised to hear Me tell you that it is similar in relation to spiritual food.

The Holy Scriptures are the highest class of spiritual food. Other Scriptures also have merit as nourishment, as do some books and writings that would not be called scripture. For you, these Teachings are of much spiritual food value, mostly because I, the Holy Spirit, offer them to you, but also because you are actively involved in the creation process. (It is as though you were somehow involved in the raising or growing of the food.) I still eternally urge you to devote more time to the Holy Scriptures, but I do realize that when you hear a portion as you did yesterday you are not pulled to this that I call perfect food. (You did hear some bits in the Ephesians passage that almost compensated. ‘Twas a mixed meal, indeed.)

Even as I do not let up on this aforementioned urging I also want you to come often to this selection of top quality food… this time of meditation… and to reread and redigest some of the past Teachings. Spiritual food, you see, can be ever regenerating. It is like unto the burning bush. It can be consumed, and, lo, it is ready again for reconsumption.

Now I mislead you just a bit early in this lesson on food. I said that one could experience physical life without seeking spiritual food. This may be technically true, but it is uncommon. Yet many do not seek this high quality food. So I have provided spiritual food in the beauty of the natural earth, in music, in drama and other arts… and in human relationship involving love, integrity, responsibility, honor, compassion… Some do not consciously seek spiritual food through these means, but they receive it, nonetheless.

MON., NOV. 11, 1985, 6:32 AM

Seeking food is the essence of life. You have said this many times in relation to the interplay of life in an ecosystem. Every living thing must be seeking food, and yet each is also potentially a source of food for some other living “thing.” Now what does this have to do with matters of the spirit… My domain? If you can keep your mind from interfering, with its desire to produce pictures this morning, you shall hear.

It is not possible to sustain physical life in the earth without seeking . . .

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