Seeking Righteousness

WED., APR. 14, 1993, 9:33 AM

The discussion this morning, after the light breakfast, didn’t quite get to this Beatitude, but you were giving it some thought, so I shall respond, as you seek Me. In this sitting down in the quiet of your closed-door office, with this familiar pen and pad, you are fulfilling My desire for all – you seek Me, as I seek you. You are seeking Me in response to my seeking you, and AT THE SAME TIME, I seek you in response to your seeking Me. This is rather regular with Us, with not many as faithful as you in recording what you hear from Me for further consideration.

Of course I heard your response to John’s affirmation that he didn’t know anyone who wasn’t still seeking. You are rather “in the closet” in this regard. While you still seek Teachings from Me, you are seeking no further… no spiritual books, no experiences of other seekers, not even much from My Holy Scriptures, on any regular basis. This is not bothersome to you, and I know this. I am not pushing you to reveal yourself as one who hears from Me regularly, except through Our Ruminations. When I do make such a call you will be ready. You can trust Me for the preparation.

I have offered you thoughts on righteousness before, so this will be more of a review and a reinforcement than a brand new affirmation. Actually the writer of this book that is the basis for your group study is rather close to you on this issue. Righteousness has little to do, directly, with right conduct, ethical behavior, and moral acts. Instead it is, fundamentally, your hand in Mine, the successful culmination of your hand reaching for Mine and Mine reaching for yours. From this will come mostly right, ethical, and moral actions and behavior, mostly love motivated. You are not perfect… you just are Mine. I don’t approve of everything you say and do, but I know that your central orientation is to Me and to the spiritual growth that I declare is the prime purpose of all human life.

It is still hard for you to tell if righteousness, which you accept as a gift from Me, means you should spend time with students, time on reading and commenting on their papers, or time directly with me. Yet any choice of this sort isn’t crucial, for anything you choose to do has a righteous quality to it, even if you only appreciate this afterwards. You have a fairly good perception of that toward which you’re heading, even as details may change. Continue to live in and for Me, and I shall bless almost everything you do… and forgive the rest.

When you are hearing Me in this way, and then rereading what you have penned, you are in a rapturous, righteous state. This is like unto Hindu holy men and some Christian saints. You have no need to do anything but be with Me, yet you are motivated, by this relationship. to do many tasks, some often excessive. You still think, sometimes, that you don’t have time to start and complete Teachings like this, but as you’re in this “state” you wonder why you still have such prior, “rational” thoughts. You need to be more receptive of John Patrick’s interest in these Teachings. Always know that he is the closest to you, spiritually, in contrast to his teenage years. Encourage this in him. He is seeking righteousness, in his own unique way.

WED., APR. 14, 1993, 9:33 AM

The discussion this morning, after the light breakfast, didn’t quite get to this Beatitude, but you were giving it some thought, so I shall respond, as you seek Me. In this sitting down in the quiet of your closed-door office, with this familiar pen and pad, you are fulfilling My desire for all – you seek Me, as I seek you. You are seeking Me in response to my seeking you, and AT THE SAME TIME, I seek you in response to your seeking Me. This is rather regular . . .

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