Seems Like Old Times…


Yes, o son, you are back in this most familiar place for this Teaching/learning process that We have together. Travel and change of scene are good for the emotions, mind, and spirit (the body, too, though this may be mixed… you are browner but fatter), but it is good to be back in this friendly, beautiful place, and I am pleased to greet you here… again.

You already have heeded one of my admonitions and have on your list the note to bring these Teachings up to date. The other important task is to send materials to those who evidenced interest. You could very easily let that slide and not do it. I tell you it is important. You also should reply to both Andy and Terry. Each sent you an important communication, and I can help you in the response to each.

In fact, because it seems like old times… I shall comment on the thrust of Andy’s comment. He is a sincere, dedicated Servant of Mine who has improved greatly in his life and in ministry in relation to the need to protect and defend Me. He, under My leading, has done things in My Name that (at which) the conservative part of his nature has been shocked. He is paid to be rather conservative and a part of him is comfortable with the exclusiveness of that position, but I also jostle his spirit, mostly through experiences, toward seeing Me in wider ways. This is not meant to supplant or take the place of his rather fundamental Christian view of Me, but merely to be “another picture” to be seen along side his own. Andy is serving Me well… as I would have him serve… but I won’t let him be comfortable in making Me as exclusive as his tradition teaches. And yes, your mutual friendship is part of that desire of Mine… one that goes back to “old times.”

You shall be teaching again soon, carrying on an experience that started with those with whom you partied last weekend. The memories of times past merge right into the realities of this class coming up. I have given you some suggestions, and there shall be more. Prepare for it, and at the same time leave some portions unplanned… to be developed by the group. As I have told you, this should increasingly be your teaching style, and this summer experience should be a sort of laboratory for you to try some approaches that students/learners suggest.

Do a careful revision/adaptation of your presentations for the survival of Man course. This continues to be an important contribution that you should be making… and the most crucial portion is in linking spirit, health, and the environment in ways that no one else in the lecture team does. This is something you should continue.

You have returned to the hot, humid time of summer, and, yes, it seems like old times to experience this yet again. For three weeks you experienced a land that symbolized the truth that “the Holy Spirit is the same, yesterday, today, and forever”… the rhythm of life changes little with the changing of calendar pages. Now you are back to a land that symbolizes the truth that “the Holy Spirit loves change and rhythm and works in such a way.” Summer shall be even hotter. Then shall come Fall and, eventually, Winter, wherein life is quite different than it is now. You came to appreciate this fairly far along in life, but it is an important awareness and appreciation for you.


Yes, o son, you are back in this most familiar place for this Teaching/learning process that We have together. Travel and change of scene are good for the emotions, mind, and spirit (the body, too, though this may be mixed… you are browner but fatter), but it is good to be back in this friendly, beautiful place, and I am pleased to greet you here… again.

You already have heeded one of my admonitions and have on your list the note to bring these Teachings up . . .

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