Sees, Hears, Responds…

WED., OCT. 13, 1993, 8:52 AM

The Scripture portion for this morning’s discussion contained this Truth: I see, I hear, and I respond. You expressed what you know as a fundamental Truth, relative as it is: I use My Super judgment as to when to direct and cause… and when to respond to human action, which has the relative freedom that I allow. I am fully aware of all that is happening on this earth, and I have the full capacity to respond, as I see best… or not.

In the story of the morning Sarai did what she thought best in helping Me fulfill My promise of at least one heir to Abraham, as a means toward descendants galore in the future. Since it did relate to My promise, but was not just as I wished I affected the conception, assuring that it was a male, one who would be “a wild ass of a man.” I needn’t tell you the details of the subsequent happenings, but they all were some mystical combination of My initiatives and My responses.

In like fashion I was with you on your California weekend, as you now, seeing, hearing, and responding. You had the time planned, and I approved of this. As I told you, you could have had more conversations focused in spirit, but those you did initiate were certainly adequate… indicating your growth in capacity to serve Me as I wish. The relationship with Enide is a good one and should be continued. She has been pushed to a reliance on Me by hard circumstances, but she is ready to grow in this way, even as she remains the tough business person she must be. This is a relationship in which I am responding. I didn’t arrange this deliberately and purposely, but as it began to take place I responded, influencing you both toward what I want.

In slight contrast I was more proactive in the meeting and conversation with Beverly. This could be one of My special “arranged” relationships, of benefit to you both. She is a fine woman, reestablishing her life for these latter years, with spirit as a more vital dimension than in earlier years. Be sure and pursue this.

The talks with Frank and Janis were also good, but were not “arranged.” If you want to follow upon these, do so, and I’ll respond in helping ways.

You have this week and next here, with much to do… but also opportunities to serve in the ways in which I am most interested. Kim is another that I’m “sending” to you. Make this conversation with her on Friday one at least touching on spirit. She should react favorably to the “news” that I want to guide her more in this next phase of her life. I would also suggest a conversation with Mark to assess where he is now, spiritually. He definitely is one “sent” to you, of which you are both aware. Take advantage of this. Hear him and respond to him more often than you do.

Then the “big convention” looms, and it appears that your difficulties have been resolved. Oh, there may be a few glitches, but you’ll respond adequately. Just don’t let details interfere with your reason for being there. You know what it is, and I’ll make it even clearer as you’re ready to depart.

WED., OCT. 13, 1993, 8:52 AM

The Scripture portion for this morning’s discussion contained this Truth: I see, I hear, and I respond. You expressed what you know as a fundamental Truth, relative as it is: I use My Super judgment as to when to direct and cause… and when to respond to human action, which has the relative freedom that I allow. I am fully aware of all that is happening on this earth, and I have the full capacity to respond, as I see best… or not.

In the story of the morning . . .

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