Select The Channel

MAY 25, 1979, 6:40 AM

As I sat back and closed my eyes, ready to wait upon the Lord, the Spirit, this title came bounding into my consciousness. There is now hardly any “warm-up” time; it’s just a matter of “selecting the channel” and the message begins to flow. (“Flow like a mighty river” was a phrase that came after an earlier, strong message.) It’s as if the guidance and direction are there, awaiting, and I almost have to forcibly stay “untuned” or the Spirit will dominate my head. I am a little apprehensive about the result of this task, but that, too, is part of the rhythm.

(The above paragraph was written by Bob Russell, waiting on the Spirit. The rest of the Teaching is from the Spirit.)

It is a risk to take, but from it will flow great blessing. Strange and wonderful are the opportunities for including the “rhythm” concept in that for which I prepare… the workshops on Risk-taking (what about the risk of following the direction of the Spirit? How can you truly discern the Spirit?)… the Independent Session, now titled to include “rhythm”. The opportunities will abound, o son, for I truly purpose that you both mellow and sharpen this idea, this direction, that it may be of benefit to many. A latter-day scripture, we might call it.

Fear not that I am as close as a channel selector. You have acknowledged this with your lips for some time (as do many of your fellow believers), but you have not availed yourself of this resource.

Within you (and within each who calls My name) I am… and worry not over whether it is a small Me or the Mighty Me. It is both/and, not either/or. I can talk with you intimately and patiently and yet manage the Universe as well. I am the Lord, and conceptions of Me can never contain Me. Remember this: there is NOTHING I cannot accomplish. EVERYTHING is possible. No laws bind me. I use laws to My purposes, but My laws can never limit Me and what I purpose.

And now you must consider what this means for you as you “dial My channel”. It means, o son, that nothing is impossible for you, for we co-create, we work together. Fear not that I lose My majesty by working with you, a fairly insignificant earthling by the standards of men. I delight in doing many things that seem unlike My style. You discerned years ago that I enjoy this world, that “I enjoy My job”, and that I approach My relations with you all (my essential Being) with a twinkle in My eye.

While what men do (and women and children, too) pains me, certainly, I also see the happy, even the silly side of existence. There truly is a time to weep and yet a time to laugh… a time to mourn and, beautifully, a time to dance.

MAY 25, 1979, 6:40 AM

As I sat back and closed my eyes, ready to wait upon the Lord, the Spirit, this title came bounding into my consciousness. There is now hardly any “warm-up” time; it’s just a matter of “selecting the channel” and the message begins to flow. (“Flow like a mighty river” was a phrase that came after an earlier, strong message.) It’s as if the guidance and direction are there, awaiting, and I almost have to forcibly stay “untuned” or the Spirit will dominate my head. I am a little apprehensive about the . . .

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