Self And Spirit

DEC. 2, 1981, 2:42 PM

After your response to Kathy’s question in your good session last evening you knew that you should have a teaching to shed light upon that which was not clear to you. When there was not sufficient time this morning (though there could have been, certainly) I let you know that it still should be today. So hear, o son, some words that shall help your shortness in understanding.

Spirit is a part of self… the important essence, actually, but not all. Spirit is that which continues on the path toward enlightenment. In each bodily incarnation the spirit can become more effective which, as I have told you and you do understand means that it unifies and balances the other dimensions… the other aspects of self, in today’s context. As spirit develops and is developed it becomes more aware of itself, of the spirits in others, of spirits in groups, places, songs, writings, and from other realms, and, crucially, more aware of Me, the Holy Spirit.

The best way is the Christian gospel, with a base in My life as Jesus, the Christ. Yet, the best may be last, and a way wholly unheralded or seen as unimportant, even destructive, may be a way of growth. Just as eternal life comes from death (not very logical), the best way may not be the best way.

A developing spirit has the capacity to energize and redirect or even to slow down other aspects of the self. As in Norman’s case spirit can help to energize the immune system and to restore balance to hormones, enzymes, and energy forces and flows. Physical abnormalities diminish, and better functioning is restored. (Let this be a lesson. You’ve known about this “run-out” possibility for some time. Plan ahead better in the future. A certain amount of ritual is pleasing to Me.) Spirit has helped to better the physical self by encouraging the physical mechanisms and nature to work more as they should. (The details are complex and not important to you.)

A major interaction is often with the mind. Your spirit can urge you to spend time with Me, while your mind says there are other important tasks that should be addressed instead. Your mind could have formulated an answer to this question, but your spirit urged, “Let the Holy Spirit teach you.” The mind says that there will be no harm from an action; the spirit asks, “But is there value? Could you be doing better?” The spirit pushes you toward worthwhile purposes in life, and also the best ways of achieving these purposes. Review what I said earlier about spirit and emotions. I shan’t repeat it here except to say that as spirit affects emotions they are most rewarding, least harmful, and most helpful in relations with others.

DEC. 2, 1981, 2:42 PM

After your response to Kathy’s question in your good session last evening you knew that you should have a teaching to shed light upon that which was not clear to you. When there was not sufficient time this morning (though there could have been, certainly) I let you know that it still should be today. So hear, o son, some words that shall help your shortness in understanding.

Spirit is a part of self… the important essence, actually, but not all. Spirit is that which continues on the path . . .

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