Self And World

THURS., JUNE 23, 1988, 2:36 AM

Your journey here to this place has been completed without a mishap. Now the adventure of these two upcoming days is about to commence. You are not really apprehensive (and you shouldn’t be, at your age and with your experience), but you also don’t know quite what to expect. That is a challenging circumstance to be in, from time to time. Know, of course, that I am with you in this, as I am with some other of the participants.

You know yourself as an individual, and this has been your most persistent learning over the years of your earth life. You are basically pleased with your identity, even as you envision other ways of being. The fact that you always return to the “you” you know verifies My observation. A unique spiritual path is yours to discover and develop. Your self has a body, a mind, and a social identity, but most importantly the self is a spirit that responds to My invitations.

Healing is not necessary when your hand is in Mine. In such a relationship health is a “given”, in its many aspects. You mused that you have not had to heal from any major physical problem that required medical attention. With more people like you the medical profession would be a minor, poorly paid one. Recall, of course, that your back and leg did heal almost completely, but this was more from spiritual power than from medical intervention. So, yes, you are a very healthy self. Perhaps you shall have to experience deviations from that healthy self, and perhaps you will not. It is desirable, as a spiritual exercise, to anticipate both.

You are part of the world on the planet earth, though in no way could you be considered typical. You are well-educated, comfortably wealthy, with a rather secure job that offers you much freedom. Spiritually, you are more active than most Christians, being quite willing to do most of what I would ask. Your abode is a beautiful Farm, far from the crowded streets and housing in which many of the world’s people live. Ecological balance is your concept, and you develop it as you live as truly as when you intellectualize.

For you the earth is a marvelous home, and I urge you to be thankful daily for this “gift.” You have had no major karmic debts to pay, and, remember, as long as you fully accept My grace and assistance you do not develop any further karma. In the presence of grace karma melts into nothingness. If you live out your life in this present way you shall return to the earth only as you wish to… perhaps to teach yet again.

Yes, the world is rife with conflict, selfishness, and violence. Still, I am most interested in “the banks,” where people love and serve each other. This is a much more powerful picture than that most favorite of journalists. I tell you yet again that while some healing of the world is desirable it is, at this time, rather healthy. Little healings are desirable, and many of these come readily.

Continue to say that a retreat from higher and higher entropy living is the major healing that the world needs. It shall not be a popular stance, probably in your lifetime, but continue to make this assertion. Individual selves must be increasingly adaptable, and numbers will diminish from disease and from toxic materials. This apparent loss is part of an important healing process. The health of the world will be threatened if the health of each self were commendable. This is a sad and ironic truth.

Hear Me again… listen for and create the story of this conference. Being not sure how to do this is no excuse for dodging the assignment. You needn’t write the story now, for your letter of Ruminations is higher priority, but you do see that they are related, and there may be some relevant comment about this meeting in your letter. I challenge you to meet as many people as possible, and add these characters to your story.

THURS., JUNE 23, 1988, 2:36 AM

Your journey here to this place has been completed without a mishap. Now the adventure of these two upcoming days is about to commence. You are not really apprehensive (and you shouldn’t be, at your age and with your experience), but you also don’t know quite what to expect. That is a challenging circumstance to be in, from time to time. Know, of course, that I am with you in this, as I am with some other of the participants.

You know yourself as an individual, and this has . . .

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