Self, Spiritual

MON., JULY 6, 1987, 5:55 AM

This facet of your concept of human/spiritual interaction was one you did not originally identify. It came from two young women who have been special students of yours and who have developed a true understanding of this wellspring of health. At first you were reluctant to accept it. You were defensive and held out for the integrity of your original design. Now you are more accepting, and yesterday in your class you testified that this acceptance was a humbling experience. Hear My thoughts on this aspect of health, thoughts which (I) already have been influencing you.

You know that My influence is total… let’s now call it holistic. First, I am wholly other. I come to you as an outside force… a voice from beyond yourself that is not limited by any time or space. I possess all knowledge, display unconditional love, and utilize a perfect balance of justice and mercy. I respect your developing spiritual self, as well as the rest of what makes up your earthly self. I am That from which you have been created, and I am That to which you will eventually return. I am incredibly “other than you,” as mystical Spirit.

At the same time I act through other humans to instruct and nurture you. Remember always your philosophy that you can always learn from students and from many others along your spiritual path. Also know that I am using you to bring to others learning and insights they are not quite able to receive from Me directly. In your sermon this coming Sunday you must emphasize the importance of being little Christs or Christians with one another. Forgiveness and acceptance are critical to self-esteem and to spiritual growth, and though these come from Me, ultimately, they must also come through other significant people. I am humbled in acknowledging that some exceedingly imperfect human can do for a friend what I cannot, directly.

The third way I function is through self. The Godhead is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I am Other, others, and self. You have a spirit that is part of an eternal and on-going soul. In each person this is more… or less… receptive to Me, as Other, but this response allows Me to become part of you and speak to you as you. This phenomenon has been called your conscience, your better or higher Self, even the super-ego. For those who cannot or will not acknowledge Me as Holy Spirit I can work directly through self. Such a person feels independence from any outside influences, and so I influence in the way she can accept – through self.

I work in this way in you, but since you accept Me as the Other or outside Being/Force the balance is quite different from that with one who doesn’t relate to Me. Yet I do influence you at other times than these special sessions. My Spirit is intermixed with yours, and it would be difficult for you to identify a thought or a conviction that is of a “higher order” that is wholly yours, without My influence.

MON., JULY 6, 1987, 5:55 AM

This facet of your concept of human/spiritual interaction was one you did not originally identify. It came from two young women who have been special students of yours and who have developed a true understanding of this wellspring of health. At first you were reluctant to accept it. You were defensive and held out for the integrity of your original design. Now you are more accepting, and yesterday in your class you testified that this acceptance was a humbling experience. Hear My thoughts on this aspect of health, thoughts which . . .

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