Self, Spiritual, Again

THURS., MAY 25, 1989, 6:15 AM

I have taught you about this facet of your Wellspring on an earlier date. Sometime you must find that Teaching and compare these. You will find them both similar and different. So it is with My Teachings to you… and with Holy Scripture. Part of the mystery of My Being in the earth is this lack of perfect consistency… in your terms, but not in Mine.

There are two basic ways to see self, spiritual. One is that spirit is truly generated from within, quite apart from Me or My influence. The human has the capacity to generate spiritual actions from a spirit that is not in relationship with Me… that develops independently of Me. The other is that I “work” both within and without, and oftentimes without being recognized or acknowledged. All evidences of spirit are affected by Me.

You shall have to teach the truth of the first premise, though I shall never tell you that the latter one is not true. I allow humans to develop “on their own” if they so desire, or if they are in a culture that denies My existence. And yet… where spirit is, I am. The best amalgam is that I am always “somewhat involved.”

In whatever way it is perceived, self, spiritual says that spirit arises from within. The person does not call on Me for help, but relies on the spirit that comes from self. The spirit that an athlete shows in a time of stress can be a good example. The will to win is often an evidence of spirit. The athlete who gives everything even when losing is another. The one who continues to compete even when injured is yet another example. Perhaps the coach inspires some of this spirit. Coaches are supposed to do this. The contest itself may encourage spirited participation. Yet much seems to come from within. It does. And I am always “somewhat and somehow involved. Yet I do encourage individual spirits to develop. And I often get no credit, even when credit is due.

Spirit often must counter the recommendations of the rational mind and of emotions. You did not really want to get up this morning and be here with Me, writing. (There still are vestiges of this reluctance still being generated.) Yet your spirit… your self, spiritual… and Mine prevailed. Your spirit urged you to be here, and yet you never would have begun this meditative practice without My insistence. But what about people who are much more faithful than you are who claim to be motivated strictly from within? You’ve already heard My answer.

When you commenced this time of discipline you had no notion that I would come this directly. Yet you came for ten days, without any tangible encouragement. How long would you have persisted without My direct intervention? Well, that question does not have to be answered.

Yes, I shall digress from this theme to give an interpretation of the message to Lenore through Mabel. It was purposely confusing… and I won’t say why. But it said, to you as well as to her, that this lack of agreement, though an obstacle, is necessary for spiritual growth. It is doubtful that complete agreement will ever be reached. Lenore must accept this. Yet she must maintain a loving relationship with both of you and encourage both of you to do likewise. She must accept My wisdom and My way in this relationship. It is as it should be, rather than as some ideal coming together.

THURS., MAY 25, 1989, 6:15 AM

I have taught you about this facet of your Wellspring on an earlier date. Sometime you must find that Teaching and compare these. You will find them both similar and different. So it is with My Teachings to you… and with Holy Scripture. Part of the mystery of My Being in the earth is this lack of perfect consistency… in your terms, but not in Mine.

There are two basic ways to see self, spiritual. One is that spirit is truly generated from within, quite apart from Me or My influence . . .

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