Seniority And Spirit

SAT., FEB. 10, 1990, 6:52 AM

The theme for Our next Ruminations is coming to light. I have offered you enough Teachings over these years that commented or focused upon aging, the elderly, or senior citizenry to make a respectable issue. You usually have too much material. This may afford a better balance. Now that you have churned out your Christmas letter at this “early” date you should be able to get your first spiritual Letter into the mail during this winter season.

There is a value dilemma for a culture such as yours that thinks either/or. Which has the most value – children and young people, productive adults, or retired seniors? The young have the potential for future. Adults are responsible for what is occurring now. And the elderly are the link with the past. Your culture generally puts more value on the present and the future… and is competitive. Hence it is not easy to value what is different from what you value most.

A deep, well-developed spirit in a senior person who has his hand in Mine responds well to being obviously loved and valued, but, finally, doesn’t need such “support.” Those with less developed spirits need assurance of their worth, and such may not be available often enough. The conclusion is that spirit is the key to successful aging and to happy living as an elderly person.

Now I have told you that, contrary to your cultural and Christian perception, all persons do not come into the earth with a brand new, undeveloped spirit. Rather, there is great variety in spirits in the young… and in all ages thereafter. And yet the development of spirit is not always consistent with initial maturity. Conditions of life vary, but so also do reactions to conditions. As I have told you many times the earth realm is one where much growth or much regression can take place. Some spirits choose poorly in their entrance into earth life. I guide, but I also allow mistakes.

You are feeling good about your present young senior status, but, rightly, you cannot be sure how you will feel as your present life satisfactions are withdrawn. Will other satisfactions arise naturally or will you have to actively seek such? Obviously life is not always “fair.” With some the body dies before the spirit can enjoy the senior status. Others live long enough, but pain or disability make appreciation of life difficult. And still others live too long, and the joy of being a senior gives way to just living longer, with spirit diminishing.

My stance with you is generally positive, however. I see many elderly souls whose spirits continue to develop, even under difficult conditions. It is often a fine time of life, even one in which more attention comes to Me and to My Scriptures. Some have genuine regrets about their earlier working lives, and are glad to accept My invitation to come and grow, even in the twilight years. I certainly see the successes as well as the failures, and some of those successes do arise in lives that have been spiritually wasted during working adulthood.

A long earth life can be a blessing… or something less. This depends somewhat on circumstances, but always know that I bestow blessing in all of life’s circumstances. Therefore it is how you respond to circumstances, and how strong your spirit is if your mind and emotions are not thinking and feeling “blessing.” To perceive long life as a blessing is a powerful start toward experiencing it as such.

Seniors can minister to other seniors. There is much evidence of this. But there needs to be an infusion of youth and vigor as well if senior needs are to be met. The best situation is when there is mutuality in serving… seniors doing for the young and young doing for the seniors, in some balance that is ever changing.

I’ll mention yet again that I, as Jesus, gave My life for humankind at an early age and therefore left no model for living life in senior status. Would I have mellowed in My response to the Pharisees? Would I have taught and lived in such ways that Judaism and Christianity would not now be competing religions?

SAT., FEB. 10, 1990, 6:52 AM

The theme for Our next Ruminations is coming to light. I have offered you enough Teachings over these years that commented or focused upon aging, the elderly, or senior citizenry to make a respectable issue. You usually have too much material. This may afford a better balance. Now that you have churned out your Christmas letter at this “early” date you should be able to get your first spiritual Letter into the mail during this winter season.

There is a value dilemma for a culture such as yours that thinks either . . .

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