Service To Me

THURS., APR. 10, 1997, 1:59 PM

You are quite aware, o son, of the ultimate purpose of earth life. Actually, rather few humans are so aware, and many are truly surprised when they come on over and judge how they did live the life just over, compared with this ultimate purpose. Awareness of such is obviously not an all or none condition. In your own case… you are aware, but you still waste time and effort in activities peripheral to this purpose.

As My title says, the ultimate purpose for your being here on earth is to serve Me, in both expected and unexpected ways. You still are an active professional and professor. Teaching can be service to Me if your actions show forth love and acceptance, like unto what you receive from Me. You serve Me best when your concern is for spiritual development in your learners. For example, some of the comments you took the time to write on this last set of papers were spirit-building and reinforcing. It was a fine set of papers, on matters of interest to Me, and you served Me by reading each carefully and writing your reactions.

Be aware also that service to Me is not some standard, easily describable set of actions. You can serve Me by being tolerant and accepting of student behaviors. Yet another teacher, whose actions looked much like yours, would not be serving Me. In contrast a teacher in a military situation might serve Me well by being tough and demanding, for the good of individuals AND of the group. Another might appear to act similarly, but be doing so because of a mean spirit, not related to Me.

Your very demeanor can be of service to Me, reflecting some of Me in your own unique way of being. I am Holy Spirit. You are a part of Me, and I am a part of you. I allow and I cause. You represent Me in some ways. With some of your actions I tolerate and forgive. I then expect you to do the same, in your life situations.

But how shall you serve Me when the last class has been completed, your name comes off the door to what is now your office, and you are no longer employed as a professor? You’re not sure now, and that is how it should be. I’ll just assure you there are many more ways than through what you have been doing professionally as your life work. You have occasionally used the term “monk” as a descriptor for your life in retirement. By this you mean that you will be less active with people, in groups, and with organizations and “causes”.

I certainly can accept this kind of service. You can serve Me by hearing Me often and writing down what you hear, in this fashion. You can reread these Teachings more often and more faithfully than you do now. Just as your students serve you by participating in class activities and by writing appropriate and “special” papers, so I am served when you pay attention to what I have taught you… and will continue.

Service to Me comes in your special attention to certain individuals, some in response to their coming to you and some through the initiative of your coming to them. I expect you to increase your letter writing, sharing spiritual insights with some wide variety of folk… and certainly including members of your family.

And because this Farm is a sacred place for you, you can surely serve Me by making it more beautiful, less cluttered, but still a “natural” place. You see much, now, that you can do. Do it not compulsively or with guilt, but have fun in serving Me in this setting.

THURS., APR. 10, 1997, 1:59 PM

You are quite aware, o son, of the ultimate purpose of earth life. Actually, rather few humans are so aware, and many are truly surprised when they come on over and judge how they did live the life just over, compared with this ultimate purpose. Awareness of such is obviously not an all or none condition. In your own case… you are aware, but you still waste time and effort in activities peripheral to this purpose.

As My title says, the ultimate purpose for your being here on earth is . . .

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