Service To Others… Me

SUN., SEPT. 8, 1996, 5:40 AM

“Even as you have done it unto the least of these, My brothers you have done it unto Me.” That directive, that I offered, as Jesus, is a major key to service, for you humans in the earth. It applies, first of all, in your individual, personal lives, meaning the giving of your time and talents for the benefit of others. (5:56 / 6:02) But it also applies in what you vote for in government, meaning governmental assistance to those who cannot provide adequately for themselves. And it also includes giving yourself to Me, directly, as when you come for these Teachings.

Andy was pleased that you called yesterday. I want her to be a more direct servant of Mine, but her life has had too many apparently negative events of late, and she hasn’t developed the response to My calls that you have. She is younger, of course, and doesn’t have the stability of position that you have had, but she can hear and “process” as well as you can, when she gives in to My call. You don’t know how these Teachings can and will be of service to Me… and your knowing is not important… but I can tell you that this is not just a selfish use of your time. The Teachings obviously are a benefit to you, but they are in a tangible form that can be of value to some in the future. This differentiates them from typical meditations, just between a person and Me, or even a person and herself.

You had some unusual occasions for service last Wednesday… help for Diane and for Craig, even for Mohammed… and then Our song and story presentation on perspectives. When you truly give of yourself, uniquely (meaning that few professors do this), you are serving Me. These “counseling” sessions are not easy for you… unless you just relax and be yourself… more than just a professional. I like to see you take up and do well in such opportunities, as they arise.

You have a list on your desk that lists some services you have not yet done. Letters, even cards, are a form of service, much appreciated by those who receive such. All those named are ones whose lives can be enriched by hearing from you. You know that I know the pressures you feel, but I shall continue to urge this form of service.

The sermon this morning, by its title and its Scriptural references, should be about care for the poor, the homeless, the needy (in many ways). Some pangs of guilt should be yours to feel because your contributions to these unfortunates in your midst are so minimal. You must contribute to the Food Bank at least once this month… as part of a congregation who cares about the hungry. You admire Jackie for his willingness to help the needy, even as you know you wouldn’t have done this, at his age. You have had different motivations, and I have judged these as positively as possible. You have been more self-centered than is ideal, but I have called you, nevertheless. Know this.

I’ll say it again (and again): I love diversity. I create for differences, and I encourage differences. (I even encourage some who feel strongly that I am very narrow in My desires for human servants.) There are many forms of service, and you have some unique opportunities that most others don’t. Let your principle in relation to time use be relevant here: if you are serving in some ways have little concern for the myriad ways in which you’re not serving. Do whatever you do with a “full spirit”… even this session this morning with the junior high kids. This is not your best form of service, but it is one you accepted, so be full of spirit.

SUN., SEPT. 8, 1996, 5:40 AM

“Even as you have done it unto the least of these, My brothers you have done it unto Me.” That directive, that I offered, as Jesus, is a major key to service, for you humans in the earth. It applies, first of all, in your individual, personal lives, meaning the giving of your time and talents for the benefit of others. (5:56 / 6:02) But it also applies in what you vote for in government, meaning governmental assistance to those who cannot provide adequately for themselves. And it also includes . . .

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