Seven Years, II

SUN., MAY 11, 1986, 5:58 AM

Seven years ago this morning you awoke early and spent the first waking hour with Me, though I was not yet evident to you. (Actually this time of remembrance should be triune rather than twin, the third significant date being when I took over your pen.) You didn’t know what you were supposed to be doing, but you had pledged each morning for a month, so you had to be faithful. And that was the crucial evaluation that I made during those first two weeks – would you be faithful to an emotional promise?

I knew you had enough spiritual maturity to keep this promise, but you would have to have some measure of success. How much of your own “stream of consciousness” writing would you do before you’d become discouraged and dissatisfied? But recall… you were not prepared for this direct relationship. You had the development to be prepared, but you did not see yourself as this direct a channel for the working of the Holy Spirit. With this seven years now behind you, it is not easy to remember the feelings that rose from this revelation.

Seven years is miniscule in comparison to eternity… and not even a significant segment of your total life thus far. And yet you have almost a drawer full of these Teachings, and if you had typed copies of each it would make quite a book. This morning, meditation is an important part of your life, and you now cannot go more than a few days without missing the experience, which is a more positive reaction than feeling guilty about not sitting quietly with pen in hand (though I’ll use that motivation if it is the only one operating).

Will these writing meditations continue throughout your life? At this point I’ll say Yes, but changes can occur, to which I, and you, must adapt. In My total “scheme of things” this isn’t important enough to warrant miracles for its continuation. And still it is important enough that I will challenge you should you become lax and less motivated. Around in the earth there are testimonies every single day to the miracles I have performed, usually in some threatening situation in which I am credited with sustaining life or improving health. A few are true miracles, and My reasons for doing these few are many and diverse. Yet because I do these few, many others happen. The body has near-miraculous capacities to sustain life and recover from ill-health. The power of mind and spirit, after prayer and supplication, are great. Many persons each day make miracles happen, and I get the credit (I, as God or Jesus Christ, at least). So I do enough to keep the process going.

Then there is also pure chance. You have had near accidents, great and small, for which you have thanked me for My intervention. Most of these are just chance good fortune; others come from your own developed adaptive powers. Yet, finally, “all things come from Me”, so your thanks are appropriate.

SUN., MAY 11, 1986, 5:58 AM

Seven years ago this morning you awoke early and spent the first waking hour with Me, though I was not yet evident to you. (Actually this time of remembrance should be triune rather than twin, the third significant date being when I took over your pen.) You didn’t know what you were supposed to be doing, but you had pledged each morning for a month, so you had to be faithful. And that was the crucial evaluation that I made during those first two weeks – would you be faithful to . . .

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