
JANUARY 6, 1980, 5:53 AM

You have heard and seen and selected a good theme, o son, for you are about to be sharing some of our writings for the first time. It is good that you are doing this, for they are to be shared… with certain people, at this time. Like other kinds of scripture the words have meaning for other people beyond what they might have for you. So select the ones with care for each request that will come. (You were not particularly careful this time, I’m afraid. The ones selected were all right, but I want you to review them a bit more, so that you know from what you are selecting.)

Sharing spiritual insights. That is what I am moving you toward. You know it is very stimulating… a great deal of fun, in the best sense. Yet sharing is also a trifle scary because you, and many others, are not comfortable enough doing this, and there are fears of being misunderstood and therefore rejected. This, unfortunately, is an appropriate fear, for spiritual insights, while beautifully uniting people, also tragically separate them. When the result of sharing is alienation you are right to be reluctant to share again.

But, as you know, much good can only be accomplished through taking some risk. And sharing Our spiritual insights is something you must begin to risk. O son, I have given you… and I shall continue to share with you… messages of value for the upbuilding of the spirit. Yes, I affirm: I, the Holy Spirit, do talk with you (a crude way to put it) about many spiritual matters. It is a conversation in that you are involved, and My thoughts must pass through your mind and be expressed by your fingers. Your mind questions certain words or ideas, and I respond to your questioning, just as in a good talk between friends. But yes, it is a meditation, for as in prayer you essentially talk to Me, in meditation I do most of the “talking” … most of the input is Mine (to use a modern but almost trite phrase).

What will be the result of sharing the fact that your meditation is tangible and reproducible and is with the Holy Spirit, direct from both within and without? Variable, certainly. The intended result will be that certain servants of Mine will hear and profit from these thoughts and then will be freed to share with you some of their spiritual insights and experiences. And you will gain and grow even more. The unfortunate consequence will also be that other people, even servants of Mine, will be critical and skeptical… will close their minds to the values inherent. No more so than to My official Scriptures, but like unto that. Oh, it is good, of course, when your mind tests and questions and rejects what is untrue or unwise. And also know that I can bend minds and spirits to actually hear My words, as I originally did with you. So, the sharing will not be without its sorrows, but look to the good done, principally, and I predict that you will find it a good experience.

The four you have selected for Jack are good ones, but review and select, carefully, several others to send, in addition, to Mabel. Yes it is time to share with her. Be not afraid. Though she is considerably more wary of evil spirits than you are (and I am not encouraging this in you), she should be able to hear, see, and feel My Spirit coming through in these teachings. Trust in Me. Let Me work through these words.

You also realize, from these brief experiences so far, that some organization, beyond the chronological, is necessary. A listing, at least by title, with some room for important included ideas, which might be put in at some time, seems crucial. You shall have to set some time to do that.

And, of course, I cannot close a talk with you without another admonishment to do your letter. You have started the process. Do an outline and then spend some time ruminating over the sharing you shall do. I liked your last one, and so do you. This one should be as good. Put it on your schedule, right after organizing the classes.

Sharing is a responsibility inherent in receiving. Step forth and share. For it is Me you share.

6:52 AM