
February 23, 1980, 6:42 AM

Let us talk today, o son, of sharing.  You have a sense of how it will commence, but not where it will go from there.  That is as it should be this morning.  Something expected, something unexpected.

Suddenly, last night, there was an opportunity to share a teaching with John Patrick and C.W.  There was a need to know some more about reincarnation, and you had something to share.  If you had your teachings indexed you could have had more… but you sensed that two was about right.  Now he knows that you have a resource.  The seed has been planted.  Wait for other opportunities.  Or perhaps he will ask.  Wait with patience… as I often do.

Sharing is one of the major spiritual acts between and among people.  It can involve material things, or time, or talent.  Or just yourself.  It obviously is reciprocal, too… being shared with.  The real sharing concept is one of mutuality.  You are giving and receiving interchangeably.  And thus do spirits interact.

Remember this as you help students design research projects in the future.  If you are to get people to share with you things of the spirit, you must design an approach that gives them something.  Nancy’s was the best example so far… and you weren’t really conscious of this aspect of the study until later.  She gave something – something of herself – before she asked something of the women.  That was a good sharing.  Be sure and emphasize that in the article you finally compose.

Yes, and also rather unconsciously, you and Mary Cay had sharing as a major part of your study together.  That also should be reported.  You do have much that you could do!

Return often to let Me share with you.  Then you will see, increasingly, opportunities to share with those who will seek.  And they, in turn, will share with you, and your learning, of spiritual matters, shall be enhanced greatly.

This “technique” should be the major approach in your study.  Share first, and then accept what others share with you.  Give first, and then listen to what comes in response.

Though being conscious of sharing is no great virtue in itself, it would be good if you kept track of this behavior for a month.  Get a little book. (Yes, you can write down what you eat and drink, too.  It is time to deal with that.)  Write down both planned and unplanned sharing for each day.  Then assess this at the end of the month.  It could be a definite boost to your spiritual health.

You seem bound to finish this in two pages, but you can see that I have not yet concluded.  Good… you put it on the list.  And be as faithful about it as you can be.

You shall be challenged, in relation to research.  “If you give folks something, then you bias their response.”  Your retort shall be that it is the response you want, rather than one uninspired by an act of sharing.  All responses are biased.  Seek the one biased by sharing rather than that biased by reserve and “stand-offishness”… called, proudly, objectivity.

So… I’ve given you a few things to do and think about this morning… quite beyond what you anticipated.  If I share with you, then you must be willing and able to share with those with whom you have contact.  Revitalize the postcard venture.  And it is time for the Christmas letter!  See that as an important sharing.  Yes, you must be in the right frame of mind, but that shall come this week.  Be assured.

You see, of course, that My time with you is about three pages worth, which is just about an hour.  You didn’t think this would be very important.  It could be supremely.

Continue your resolves.  Accomplish much.  And share… in many ways.  It is the ultimate in “being Me”.

Be aware this day.  And appreciate.


7:40 AM