
OCT. 23, 1980, 6:02 AM

You know, o son, the significance of the term “sharing.” You know that I have referred to sharing as one of the most fundamental spiritual behaviors. And as your spirit develops you shall come to feel… actually feel, not just know you should feel… the surge of spirit that comes with sharing, particularly when what is shared are “things of the spirit”.

Last night the financial meeting was cancelled, so there was opportunity for you to share some of these teachings with Brian. I won’t say that I arranged it. Just know that there will be opportunities continuously arising as your future unfolds. There also was an opportunity for your son Bob to hear, in a fairly natural way, some of My teaching. He still has doubts, so you are right in not pressing the matter. Be aware of occasions that I shall arrange and be ready to offer insights from these minor scriptures.

You are involved in the indexing task, but you “took off” yesterday without any work on it. I needed to show you how important that is, and I trust that last night’s sharing session was an incentive for that. If you are going to share from these meditations, you have to be able to find what you want. So let Me help you with an initial approach to the task.

You started the indexing from the now back, on the premise that the most recent are the most useful and valuable. Not so. As you get to rereading these books (which you must) you will find much of value in the early writings as well. So start with May 11, 1979 and work toward now. That which you expressed last evening is the best way of approaching the task: initially put down date, title and place, but leave room for comments on useful portions. I encourage you to put in the annotations as you find certain portions helpful… to self or to others. In addition, organize the books systematically and label each. (What you are doing now, of course, is a table of contents, with annotations that will have value somewhat like an index. Another task will be to start a Master Index, grouping together topics of like content. Part of this shall be systematic and part shall develop out of actual usage).

This is all said in order that you might be better able to share these teachings with others. I shall not go further into this task, for, at this time, it could frighten you. Just know that it can become more onerous if you don’t get to it now.

OCT. 23, 1980, 6:02 AM

You know, o son, the significance of the term “sharing.” You know that I have referred to sharing as one of the most fundamental spiritual behaviors. And as your spirit develops you shall come to feel… actually feel, not just know you should feel… the surge of spirit that comes with sharing, particularly when what is shared are “things of the spirit”.

Last night the financial meeting was cancelled, so there was opportunity for you to share some of these teachings with Brian. I won’t say that I arranged it . . .

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