Sharing II

February 24, 1980, 6:09 AM

Yes, o son, it is well to have some more instruction on this important aspect of spirituality.  You heard the message yesterday morning, and the enactment came last night.  Your excitement was wonderful .  Truly it was a perfect situational example of what I shall be teaching you.  You did not see the application immediately, which is good.  But then you did, and the realization was powerful.  It was a prime experience in sharing.  Make a short rendition of it your first entry in the small book.  Then watch the record grow.  Hallelujah!

This situation came up so naturally, but know that My hand was at work.  I did not manipulate it grossly, but I contributed a few gentle nudges.  That was My Saturday Night Special!  Reflect, however, on how you feel about the people with whom you interacted.  Clearly it includes warmth and appreciation.  They are now “different people” in your perceptions.  That will be repeated o so many times, My son.  And your spirit shall be abuilding as it happens.

For awhile, at least, this shall be My main way of developing your spirit.  You know already what is your major weakness – truly listening to others.  It is natural that the words of another stimulates you to thought, and you are off preparing your next statement.  There must also be practice in hearing others all the way through.  This is another real sharing of self – listening attentively as the other shares.  If you practice this I shall help by providing the response… until you get the hang of it.  It is an important learning, and you will need some help.  I shall oblige.  Just let it be.

Experiences you shall have will make you more aware and appreciative of events that seem, at the moment, to be hard, negative, even evil.  You shall see how these can be shared, both the successes and the non-successes.  And they often will facilitate the proper sharing of the more obviously positive happenings.

You look ahead and see many opportunities coming up in the even near future.  You shall utilize many of these, but you also will recognize others that are not so obvious… yet shall be as satisfying and as educative of spirit.  And even more so.

This shall be an extra busy week, but it will produce much in the way of spiritual growth… and in your ability to describe and make better known the spiritual dimension – My favorite dimension – of human health.  Don’t force a mold for your Fall study.  Just be aware of its unfolding.  It shall be like you first envisioned it, but, at the same time, quite different.  From it should come a major contribution to your professional field.

Don’t forget the postcards.  I remind you again.  Make a list, but also do it spontaneously.  Share some of yourself with people far away each day.  You shall see how it will bring response from many.  It will be a small investment of time, with a handsome payoff in sharing.

The great challenge ahead will be more sharing with your own sons.  You shall hear one this morning.  Be sure and share with him your reactions, supportive and critical.  There are other experiences you have had that should merit a sharing, some with one, some with another.  Then be sure to listen to them and hear what they are willing to share with you.

You shall expect interactions with certain students.  Be also aware of what shall come with some that you do not expect to be attuned.  You shall learn in some quite unusual ways.

As you contemplate this it is both exciting and frightening.  How can all of this occur, when your time is, now, more than full?  There, obviously, will be some shifts in priorities.  Also there will be some opportunities offered that you just will not be able to accept.  There must be a rhythm of experience and reflection, experience and reflection.  Balance talking, listening and writing.  Yes, you shall be confronted with more than you can handle.  Make decisions.  Know what you have done and be at least aware of what you have had to miss or at least postpone.  FEEL THE RHYTHM.  Me within you is an essence of it.

Know that this is a fine time and a fine time of life for you.  Share your positive perceptions with a world often preoccupied with negatives.  Proclaim that I am in charge.  This day and always.

