Sharing The Faith

SAT., DEC. 14, 1985, 10:46 AM

This matter of sharing the faith is one you consider that you do not do very well, and, mostly, I would agree. You are not one of the great evangelists, but that was not to be your role in this earth life. Yet it is interesting, now isn’t it, that the Christian perspective gained considerably during your death class this term. Since you are responsible for much that happened, in that class (either directly or indirectly), you must get some credit for that greater willingness to affirm a relationship with Me in the Christian way.

You also get “credit” (should I ever choose to use a grading system for servants of Mine) for sending out an affirmation of faith with each issue of your Ruminations. Through this letter you have shared different aspects of your faith and thereby encouraged readers to be more willing to “share back”, or to share your writing with friends, and colleagues. You see, when a person invites another to read your Ruminations that other receives both your message and a suggestion that the inviter has some comparable faith and relationship with Me. Hence… a sharing.

Your Sunday class is a regular experience in sharing, and I do want you to continue that offering. The attendance is not spectacular, but it does include folks that I “send” for the experience of sharing with and from you. Just don’t be surprised as different people come in, even if for only occasional discussions.

And you know how I feel about personal letters, particularly those back to people who have shared reactions and responses with you. I know your list is long, but it also is important, and I shall not let up on My insistence on this form of sharing the faith. You have the opportunity, and you do it well… and are willing. This is one of your best forms of evangelism. Just do it!

The exchange with Anajean is going well. She needs this relationship with you now, and you can profit from her responses and affirmations. Her path is slightly different from yours, but you each have your hand in Mine, which makes you closer together than you may think. The test she is undergoing now is not so much a test of her faith in Me as it is a test of her faith in and love for herself. She has had years of a relatively good life, during which time she came to My invitation, but now she is being tested. Is this necessary? Perhaps not necessary, but definitely a chance for her to grow in spirit… and share herself and her faith in more worthwhile ways. Keep up the correspondence, and continue to include a Teaching or more with each note.

You and Joyce did some sharing, but I would have preferred more. You both were ready, but neither took sufficient initiative to “get the sharing going.” Perhaps this paragraph can help as you shall be together this week.

Remember also, as you consider ways in which your faith is shared, that if you have faith, and it is a functional part of your day-to-day life (rather than a holy appendage) you share it just by the way you live and “are”. It can be just as effective to like the way someone lives and then find out he is a strong Christian than to hear the message first and then try to figure out whether the person who testifies is worth knowing. So continue to live in the positive ways you do, being aware of both shortcomings and of new ways to be that shall be even more satisfying.

SAT., DEC. 14, 1985, 10:46 AM

This matter of sharing the faith is one you consider that you do not do very well, and, mostly, I would agree. You are not one of the great evangelists, but that was not to be your role in this earth life. Yet it is interesting, now isn’t it, that the Christian perspective gained considerably during your death class this term. Since you are responsible for much that happened, in that class (either directly or indirectly), you must get some credit for that greater willingness to affirm a relationship with . . .

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