Sharing The Spirit

MAY 28, 1980, 8:41 AM

You come to Me with some tasks already accomplished, o son… at a later time. You, already this morning, have had several suggestions about sharing the spirit (even the Spirit)… and you did have quite a meeting yesterday afternoon. So, let us talk about some ways of sharing spirit that I shall commend to you.

It does not appear as though the suggestion of a Sharing the Spirit group with students will be feasible during this pre-summer session period. When you return from the East and get settled in for the summer you must consider this. This will be a trial for the Fall experience, and that I really purpose. You won’t be teaching, and this contact will be a good balance.

The suggestion of a class at the church is, as you indicated rightly, just a bit premature. But perhaps in the Winter-Spring you could select certain writings, duplicate them, and use this as the basis for a class. Yes, that does have merit, but not for now.

The group meeting yesterday was certainly that of a group of questing spirits. You were not as receptive as you should have been, but you were quite aware of this… and that was good. As you evaluated, at the close, it was a vivid sharing of diverse views and experiences. With that much diversity each time it will not be much of a learning experience. You shall have to decide whether it will be, each week, just an ad hoc sharing of experiences group, with focus on the sharing process, or whether it will be a more on-going learning experience, with at least some minimal organization. If you should decide on that, then Diane’s idea of at least a topic would be helpful. Either approach has merit. As long as new people are still coming in the sharing experience is the most practical.

I spoke, some time ago, of a resurrection of your Ruminations paper, with these teachings as the basis. I urge your consideration of this yet again. You need to “work” more with these spiritual ideas, concepts, and truths. You write these pages, you reread them… then read them to Lenore, and then they go into the folder. Know that these are meant to be shared… with some caution, yet, but sharing is what they are for. A five or six page Ruminations would not be difficult to do, now, would it? Consider this, as the other responsibilities lessen.

Hear again: sharing is one of the ultimate spiritual practices, and the sharing of spiritual ideas… and particularly these of Mine… is that best of all exercises. Sharing means listening carefully and intently as well as speaking or reading. Spirits listen to one another. Heed your spirit, relax your mind, and relate well.

A short but important message this day. It shall pick up again tomorrow… on experiences ahead.

9:38 AM