She Preached On Angels

MON., NOV. 28, 1994, 6:41 AM

My servant Judy had the opportunity of preaching yesterday, a rainy Sunday, and her theme was A Season of Angels, one of which I approve. It is, this Advent season, a time for accepting angels as an important fact of life. The Scriptures tell of angels, and angels are also part of this present-day earth scene, even in your culture, with its skeptical secularity. So, as you see the upper rim of the sun on a clear morning, I shall speak of angels… and of the one who preached.

Remember the example of the room “full of” various invisible and undetectable waves sent forth from broadcasting stations of various kinds. With proper receivers and tuning these waves became talk and music that you can hear, and even color pictures of events happening all over the earth. With the right type and quality of receiver the waves become discernible reality.

This is a rough analog to the reality of angels. They are part of the earth scene, in numbers sometimes greater and sometimes a bit less than incarnated humans. Some angels have always been angels. Others have been humans in the “past”, and still others will be humans sometime in the “future.” (Remember that linear time is a convenient concept for you humans here in the earth, but is not reality in My other realms.) Some angels have specific tasks with designated people. Others just react to situations that arise, always in helpful ways. Gabriel, whom you portrayed yesterday, had certain well-remembered tasks. He came to Zacharias, and told him of the coming of his unexpected son, who was to be called John. He then used his power to strike Zacharias dumb (which would be explained psychiatrically in your secular culture). Yet it was just for a time to make John’s entrance into the earth a bit more dramatic.

You often thank Me for events and happenings that you appreciate. Sometimes it is I Who help, and often the help is angelic. Yes, o son, angels are part of your life, even as you are mostly unaware of their helping presence.

Angels are also part of Judy’s life and of her success in ministering. Angels were pleased that she preached about them, and they helped both in the preparation and the delivery of that fine sermon. She has a developing spirituality, with which she is not quite comfortable. You have been reluctant to talk with her about Our relationship. This Teaching may be a means of initiating such an important conversation. She will have some doubts, but fewer than in earlier years. She is developing spiritually, but this often brings discomfort to one who is a Presbyterian pastor. I smile at such difficulties, for they seem so unnecessary. I like you Presbyterians, but you do tend to have trouble with each other when you come closer to Me.

( 7:38 AM / 10:10 AM )

MON., NOV. 28, 1994, 6:41 AM

My servant Judy had the opportunity of preaching yesterday, a rainy Sunday, and her theme was A Season of Angels, one of which I approve. It is, this Advent season, a time for accepting angels as an important fact of life. The Scriptures tell of angels, and angels are also part of this present-day earth scene, even in your culture, with its skeptical secularity. So, as you see the upper rim of the sun on a clear morning, I shall speak of angels… and of the one who preached.

Remember . . .

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