Should I Be a “Better God”?

THURS., JULY 13, 1995, 5:28 AM

Many humans would answer this question with a Yes, but there would be considerable disagreement as to exactly how I should be better. Let’s consider some of these possible, but conflicting, improvements on a sultry summer morning when I used one of My “tricks” to get you here (an old one, for you).

Some would say that I’d be a “better God” if I gave humans less free will, meaning less capacity to reject Me or pay Me little heed. Wouldn’t it be better if all humans just naturally and easily knew Me, loved Me, and served Me faithfully? There would be very little conflict in the earth, and everyone would be living in harmony with all others, doing My Will without any question as to how life should be lived. I could have created humans in this way… or I could come again into the earth as the powerful Messiah and dispatch all but those few who would live in this harmonious way. Why don’t I do this, just to show that I can?

This leads to another kind of improvement. Why don’t I immediately and fully answer prayers that are sincerely offered to Me? Many people, over the years, have prayed for Wilma Ruth’s back to be healed and for her to have a pain-free life. Wouldn’t I be a better God if I had answered all of these prayers… or even the first one, so that no more would be necessary? Wouldn’t I be a much better God if I responded immediately to all prayers for healing and pain relief? There would be no suffering, no need for an expensive, invasive medical system. And everyone would pray to Me, wouldn’t they?… for all prayers would be answered fully and immediately.

I suppose, though, that I would have to reject frivolous, greedy prayers, but if I had created people to be better humans they wouldn’t pray for wealth or dry, pleasant weather, or… anything they shouldn’t pray for. I could handle conflicting prayers, sincere ones, by making it rain on gardens but not on picnic areas.

And wouldn’t I be a better God if no one had to die? That would mean, of course, that I, as Jesus, wouldn’t have had to die, and I’d still be among you. And there would be a lot of you, certainly. And I guess if I didn’t allow death then I wouldn’t allow deteriorative aging. You could get older, but you wouldn’t lose any of your youthful capacities.

And, if I were a better God I certainly wouldn’t allow abnormalities, deformities, or any conditions that would make life more difficult. Everyone would have an excellent capacity to learn, and motivations to do so… but would learn only what I allowed and sanctioned, of course. So… perhaps it would be better if you all had limited capacity to learn, so that you wouldn’t learn matters that would make for disharmony.

Ah, yes, if there is to be continuous harmony then all would have to think pretty much alike, with no “free thinkers.” Could there be variety in worship styles (for everyone would want to worship, certainly) without competition? Perhaps… but it probably would be “safer” to have all worship in the same way, which would be… “your way”, of course.

I really wouldn’t have to be a forgiving God, because no one would do anything for which they would have to be forgiven. But if someone did sin should I forgive, or would I be a better God if I held to high standards and punished that sinner immediately and publicly? But then I’d have to cause pain and suffering… unless you could be punished without these… but then, what would punishment be?

I would want to disallow accidents, but would it be better to miraculously prevent these or have humans who would take no chances that could result in accidents? I certainly would have to “improve” the earth so there would be no tornadoes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions… even cold weather.

Wow! You see how many the ways are that would make Me a “better God”… and these are only some of the obvious ones. You also can see, I’m sure, that there would be consequences for all of this “betterness.” So, for now, I’ll be the God I Am, as good as I need to be.

6:38 AM