Should You Be Satisfied?

SAT., AUG. 4, 1990, 3:00 PM

Many thoughts came to you this morning as you gloried in the small honor at Commencement. Achievements galore are yours to recall, and these recollections are pleasant. You tend to feel satisfied. Should you feel thus? I, the Holy Spirit, am ready with an answer as the thunder rolls and crashes.

I have no objection to your recalling and recounting the successes you have had in your personal and professional life. I just shall push you to a better balance than you had this morning, a more holistic rendition of your life satisfactions. So I’ll first say that you should feel satisfied with life. Hear this first, and then some modifications that I suggest.

One important accomplishment that you did not emphasize (though you hinted at it) was your success in courting and winning Lenore as your loving life partner. This was a competition more severe than becoming a head coach, and, of course, of much more importance to your present life. As I have told you, Lenore was the one you should marry, but you had to make her realize this. I helped a bit, but it was fundamentally, though uncharacteristically, you who achieved the “victory.” The two of you have gone through several stages in your life together, both successfully adapting to changes in your circumstances. Always include this as a vital accomplishment, one with which you should feel real satisfaction.

The other critical one is your selection, by Me, as one to receive these Teachings in direction of your life and as a prod toward the professional focuses you now have and enjoy. I came to you, but you were ready to respond. Even this day you knew a Teaching was “due,” but other events have arisen to make it difficult. Yet you know it is a life priority for you, and thus you are here. It must continue to be so. You hear Me, and you write. You are not a channel, but just one who hears Me in a rather clear way. Though you need not announce and publicize this, neither should you deny it. It is an aspect of your life with which you should feel real satisfaction.

Feel satisfied also with the regular writings and mailing of your Ruminations. Accept My assurances that these are an important contribution to the lives of many in your diverse “audience.” You heard from Cindy and from Rick, two quite different readers. You needn’t seek new readers actively, but be aware of numbers that are ready for such insights. This is a good accomplishment in your present life.

You cannot feel satisfied with the other writing I urge you to do. It just is not yet good for you to stop writing for you professional colleagues. I needn’t reiterate the details of this dissatisfaction. I can forgive, but I shall not relent in My pressures on you to do what I would have you do. Each of these papers is important, but you have accomplished nothing this year, with emphasis on this summer.

You do better with the letter writing. I recommend, but this still is not satisfactory. If you did one each day it would not be pressing, and you and I both would feel greater satisfaction.

This rain comes to make easier your task of keeping this place beautiful. A bit more effort in some planned improvements will bring more beauty… at least less ugliness. The “natural look” is fine with Me, but keep basic neatness as a standard.

SAT., AUG. 4, 1990, 3:00 PM

Many thoughts came to you this morning as you gloried in the small honor at Commencement. Achievements galore are yours to recall, and these recollections are pleasant. You tend to feel satisfied. Should you feel thus? I, the Holy Spirit, am ready with an answer as the thunder rolls and crashes.

I have no objection to your recalling and recounting the successes you have had in your personal and professional life. I just shall push you to a better balance than you had this morning, a more holistic rendition of your . . .

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