Show Forth The Spiritual

THURS., OCT. 26, 1995, 10:47 AM

In the midst of this small convention you are comfortable with your “assignment”… to speak of the spiritual on all occasions that arise. Naturally, you already have missed some of these, even as you are comfortable. You don’t wish to be labeled as a “spiritual freak”… one whose only interest is this. I’m pleased that you are here at this time, ready for some form of “pep-talk” from Me, the Holy Spirit (Who had no trouble crossing into Wisconsin).

The talk with Andy yesterday was a good one, and I shall push her to read some of the Teachings you left with her. She obviously needs encouragement to keep listening to Me and writing what she hears. I am not trying to pull her “out of the closet” with her husband and parents, but I do want her attention more than she has given Me lately. Hers is a more difficult situation than yours has been, but consider also that she is younger… that I am giving her more time to build the relationship with Me into her life. I just want you to continue to encourage, and help her as her spirit grows and matures. She will be a good servant of Mine, with some of the same “privileges” that you have, but different in some ways, as well. Be increasingly aware of both the likenesses and unlikenesses.

Here in this place you are greeting present students, former students now functioning in the field, and colleagues, several of whom receive and appreciate, more and less, Our Ruminations. As you expected, it is a happy time, and you can “bask” in the appreciation that many of them have for you. Note the title again. It is as important for you to show forth the spirit that is your increasing dimension of health as it is to speak about it. I’m not saying you should “try” to be more dynamic. Just be who you are and show forth how you truly feel about this profession and about individuals in it. It should be a “field” that increasingly shows forth spirit, and you’ve seen good evidence for that here already.

Spirit… and the spiritual… is very positive, as I want you to feel it and explain it. (There are other servants of Mine whose message is a more negative one… avoid evil, counter satan, be afraid of religious controversies… and like that.) Spirit is the basic life force in this earth scene, and in each of you humans. It may or may not be obvious or dominant, but it is fundamental. Therefore, it should be acknowledged as the bedrock of health. This differs a bit from your holistic model, where it is the overarching, unifying dimension… and it is that, too. Just acknowledge that it is an important element of the environment, and this earth environment is basically positive and life-affirming.

Yesterday Andy took you for a walk through “her woods”, and the interaction between you was enhanced by the spirit in that “natural” portion of land. This was in rather stark contrast to the ride through the new, elaborate homes rising up from fields and forests that she knew as a younger person. This made you appreciate your home place and the lack of opportunity for industries and the lack of affluence that its continuation represents. You may want to do some more hiking in your “north section” in the future.

You show forth spirit as you are actively involved in the meetings here, and the poster sessions are particularly important. Be a spiritual presence in that event, in a short time. Spirit begets spirit. You know this, but you need to be reminded, and I am quite willing to be that reminder.

You still haven’t talked to Mark about the situation with his sister and father. You should do this, so it probably will be best to stay here with him, even though more time with Andy is also needed. But Mark does need time with you, to help in the transition away from professor-student. This could be that good time.

THURS., OCT. 26, 1995, 10:47 AM

In the midst of this small convention you are comfortable with your “assignment”… to speak of the spiritual on all occasions that arise. Naturally, you already have missed some of these, even as you are comfortable. You don’t wish to be labeled as a “spiritual freak”… one whose only interest is this. I’m pleased that you are here at this time, ready for some form of “pep-talk” from Me, the Holy Spirit (Who had no trouble crossing into Wisconsin).

The talk with Andy yesterday was a good one . . .

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