Simple Life

THURS., MAY 28, 1992, 6:29 AM

In one sense you are living a simple life. In another sense it is quite complex and more than it needs to be. On a cool, Spring morning hear, o son, as I talk to you about simplicity.

Some people, by choice or by circumstance, lead simple lives for a whole lifetime. They have no great urge to achieve, and they are not successful, in your culture’s terms. Such a one takes a simple job, in manufacturing or service, and does it well but not well enough for any promotion. The lifestyle is simple, living within one’s income. There are occasional vacations, but only a few memorable ones. With retirement lifestyle becomes even simpler. There are not expensive, invasive medical procedures. Life goes when it goes. Most lives in the earth are lived as simple lives… many in this competitive culture in which you live.

Your life has been “midway,” somewhat toward the complex end of a scale. You were competitive as a youth, and somewhat during your working life. You had children who complicated your life, but you got through that “phase”, and you’re now pleased with your sons as men. You were competitive, but in a somewhat simple way. It was fortunate for your simple life that you left Stanford and came to this place where you could achieve without the pressures you were feeling at Stanford. You achieved adequately here, and that more active part of your career combined with your growing sons was not simple. Yet you didn’t aspire to greater positions, and you accepted, with minimal trauma, not “making it” in the book publishing “game”.

Your life is not truly simple yet, though it is developing in that direction. First, you must realize and accept that receiving these Teachings as you do should not be a complication in your life. This is now a rather simple procedure. It can be a joyful part of a simpler life. For I want to be with you as your life simplifies.

Simplicity will be hard to achieve as long as you are teaching full time. You still have some outside activities, but you are not seeking these, and are turning down some that are offered. “Natural” simplification will be yours to experience, as there will be fewer calls for your time. I encourage you to let these go, with a happy heart. You have had enough success. Now just move more toward simplicity.

You “run” this Farm in a fairly simple fashion. Maintain this. Even consider more simple ways. Do what you feel like doing, but keep it as neat and beautiful as possible. Accept the simple joys of your life as you now are living it. Complicate it only for some bit of variety.

You are moving away from the simple life as you accept the responsibility of Session and, particularly, that of Clerk. Yet you have had these tasks enough to make them relatively simple. Continue to write the Newsletter, as a joy rather than as a burden (which may be asking too much this weekend). Continue to be an active part of study groups, for study can be part of a quite simple life. I won’t tell you what to do about teaching. Sometimes it seems simpler to conduct a class and at other times the simple path is to be just an active participant.

THURS., MAY 28, 1992, 6:29 AM

In one sense you are living a simple life. In another sense it is quite complex and more than it needs to be. On a cool, Spring morning hear, o son, as I talk to you about simplicity.

Some people, by choice or by circumstance, lead simple lives for a whole lifetime. They have no great urge to achieve, and they are not successful, in your culture’s terms. Such a one takes a simple job, in manufacturing or service, and does it well but not well enough for any promotion . . .

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