Simple Thoughts

WED., MAY 4, 1988, 6:05 AM

For some reason, the process has not been simple this morning. You could not get yourself into a receptive mood, because you were thinking about titles and themes, rather than simply being open to what I present to you. And so, now, hear Me, o son, as I develop what I have titled “Simple Thoughts.”

The human mind is a marvelous creation, even as there is a considerable range of that “marvelous.” The mind produces thoughts in great variety. Some are persistent and are continuously being reworked and rethought. Others can be quite fleeting and undeveloped. Some are complex and quite beyond your capacity to understand. You think, for instance, of this ecosystem that is the planet earth, and though such thoughts are enticing, you simply cannot consider all of the relevant factors in any thought… and the new and changed data keep coming in, increasing the complexity… or so it seems.

Then you think about Me, the Spirit of the Lord God, and you know this God is One and is both the Creator and Sustainer. And then you see a burgeoning population, along with seemingly unnecessary deaths from disease and drugs. You see actions that are detrimental to the earth perpetrated by people who claim allegiance and commitment to Me. My many roles as God result in a very complex thought… one beyond your capacity to ponder, with any ease.

Yet My title this cool, cloudy morning is simple thoughts. Are simple thoughts of any value? I say Yes, and I shall show you how and why. Even capable minds can produce simple thoughts, but, without spiritual guidance, the capable mind has a tendency to dismiss these as inconsequential. Let your spirit be heard. Simple thoughts are to be produced, considered, and treasured.

You are a teacher by profession. Teaching is a very complex phenomenon, associated, as it is, with learning. And yet a very simple thought is: teaching is being who you are and sharing that with others. True teaching affects the whole person, and it does this best when the whole teacher “is given.” Your mind tells you it can’t be this simple. In one sense it isn’t. But I’m emphasizing today that, yes, it is. You know who you are, as a teacher, by now, so just be that. It is better than anything more complex that you could create.

You will continue to teach about this complex phenomenon of ecology, and yet the simple thought is: see the positive nature of your environment and do what you can to enhance its functioning and its beauty. Transplanting some grass is not a big venture, but it eventually increases beauty. Even when some environment is not what you would have it be, appreciate its positive qualities, even as you do what you can to improve it.

Can God be simple? A simple thought is: God cares. Another: God is with you, wherever you go, whatever you do… and on beyond this earth life. The fundamental fact of life is: you are on a spiritual journey on a path, influenced by Me. Leave it as simple as that.

The essence of family life is love. You can love because I love you, and you accept this. Family life is very complex, and yet it is as simple as love. Love is quite complex (as you contemplate these silly scientific studies of it), and yet it is as simple as breathing in and breathing out. You create family by loving. You sustain family by loving. Simple. Yet true.

The simple essence of being a born again Christian is to listen to Me and simply be what you hear. I call on you to be what I would have you be. Yes, it is complex and hard to understand. Yes, it is simple. Be.

WED., MAY 4, 1988, 6:05 AM

For some reason, the process has not been simple this morning. You could not get yourself into a receptive mood, because you were thinking about titles and themes, rather than simply being open to what I present to you. And so, now, hear Me, o son, as I develop what I have titled “Simple Thoughts.”

The human mind is a marvelous creation, even as there is a considerable range of that “marvelous.” The mind produces thoughts in great variety. Some are persistent and are continuously being reworked and rethought. Others can . . .

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